Feel ill Iand sorry for myself...


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2008
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Sorry I just really need a good moan...

I am still getting morning sickness, which lasts all day and night. I know I should be grateful I have strong pregnancy hormones but I have had this since week 4 and it is really starting to get me down. As well as that I have bad backache, headaches all the time. I also get very painful ligament pain.

I am so happy to be pregnant and it really is the best thing that has ever happened to me, and all I want is a healthy baby at any cost, I know its worth it all etc, but just feel so bad I want to cry all the time.

I think the hardest thing is I started a new job three weeks ago, and I know they took a chance employing me when im pregnant, so I dont feel able to take time off or express that I feel bad in any way. They dont really acknowledge the pregnancy (although very obvious) so i dont either. Is weird as is all i ever think about... (also my skin is terrible which i know is minor but terrible for confidence!)

Feel guilty for feeling like this as am so grateful I am pregnant and know I am very lucky. I just didnt expect to feel quite this ill all the time...

Anyway, no need to reply, just really needed to get it out as cant say it to anyone else as feel like i should find pregnancy easy and beautiful and dont want people to think i am horrible selfish person.
You aren't alone hunny - i still feel very sick and working as much as i can as have taken so much time off already. I feel a bit down and fed up with the whole sickness thing at the moment, i really hope it's not like this all the way through as i've always wanted a few bambinos but have a feeling i might end up sticking to jsut the one!

Some people dont stop getting sick till mid way so there is hope for us yet that it will fade some more. Me, i thought i would wake up at 12 weeks pregnant and feel fine! LOL I cant even go baby shopping and finding xmas shopping a struggle at the mo (she says as she puts her head on her desk....)

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Hey Debbie,

I know exactly where you coming from im still getting it too, so much so last week I was really starting to struggle, and having been on anti depressants pre pregnancy and coming off them, ive now had to go back on them cos ive felt so low. If its any consolation whatsever, you are certainly not alone!!!!!

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: Sending you lots of these :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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