feel guilty for feeling gutted


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2011
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Hi everyone ive not posted for a while, things have been a little quiet round here, just waiting for our first hospital app in a couple of weeks.

Had a phone call off my sister tonight to say she had a little bit of news for me and yup shes expecting baby number two. her little girl is 16 months and i adore her and am so happy for them but i just cant help feeling a little bit gutted too. ive been off the pill since before they had the first one and im just starting to wonder if its ever going to happen for us.

anyone else feel like this xx
Ah hun, I'm sorry your feeling blue. You are happy for them Its just hard when relatives and close friends fall pg only because it compounds the issue for you.

My SIL has a second with a due date as the same as me (but now no longer to be)...she sent a picture of her 20wk scan it looked amazing! Iam so happt for them :) but iam Pleased I was by myself though as i started to get teary but managed to get a grip and pull myself together!

Anyway, I truly understand its hard but stay positive and it will happen for you one way or another xxx
Aw i'm really sorry Jazzy :hug:

It is a bit double edged when it is someone that you are related to that get pregnant. You are happy because you want them to be happy, but it cuts a little deeper because you get to see it all happening for them.

It'll be nice for your niece to have a sibling though, so try to focus on her being happier :)

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