Feel fed up


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2007
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Sorry for the moan but I just feel so fed up :(

After feeling alright for a couple of weeks, I feel as cr@p as I did at about 6 weeks again. I am still feeling sick, I'm really tired and feel like I am just snapping and barking at everyone. I seem to be in a permanantly bad mood and I can't shake it. Me and hubby are arguing all the time at the moment and I know I am provoking loads of it but I can't seem to stop myself.

I can't remember the last time I had a good day where I felt well and didn't feel so irratated all the time. So sorry for the moan, but please tell me it is gonna get better at some point, I really seem to be struggling at the moment.
:hug: :hug: :hug: I dont think it goes away but it definately fluctuates - the hormones, tiredness etc.etc and you will feel really close to your OH, we have gone through phases where we fought a lot and then times where we were closer than ever before - pregnancy is just a roller coaster. Hope you feel better soon :hug:
I'm going through a bad patch with hormones at he moment too. I can't seem to cope with anything! Car broke down twice this week, my son keeps asking to buy him stuff ALL the time, just gotten over a really bad case of flu and now DH is down with it and I'm still tryin to cope with expanding belly aches and pains every day. Heck I don't even want to go online anymore! Generally everything seems to be friggin AWFUL lately, so I'm hollering and growling at everyone and everything, so I sympathise with you honestly hun, just try stay calm and take deep breaths. Try to get some 'me' time to unwind. Thats what im doing before I go ballistic!! :hug: :hug:
Thank you all very much, as long as I am not just losing my marbles I think I can handle it. To top everything off I have hurt my back and I can hardly move atm, that has not helped to improve my mood :roll:

Big :hug: :hug: :hug: to everyone who needs them, hope you are feeling better soon Pregnopaws.

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