Dont feelbad hun it happens to all of us i think , somtimes you can only handle so much without getting a bit stressed out by it.
Today i was cooking dinner and kiara tried touching everything the knife, hot oven ect so after telling her no for about 20 times i yelled at her and out her lip came and she was about to cry i felt so bad i gave her a hug and said sorry . Perfectly normal hun
When kadyn gets me like that i usually put him down and walk away and count to 10 or 20
Dont feelbad hun it happens to all of us i think , somtimes you can only handle so much without getting a bit stressed out by it.
Today i was cooking dinner and kiara tried touching everything the knife, hot oven ect so after telling her no for about 20 times i yelled at her and out her lip came and she was about to cry i felt so bad i gave her a hug and said sorry . Perfectly normal hun

When kadyn gets me like that i usually put him down and walk away and count to 10 or 20