Feel ashamed of myself


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2005
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Sorry to be moaning yet again but I weighed myself on saturday and feel really disappointed with myself :cry: . I weighed 14 stone! I started off about 11 stone but just feel like i'm massive now. I told my mum and she couldn't believe it and said that i'm going to have to work hard afterwards to lose it.

I went up to about 13 1/2 stone with my first but I was determined to not put on quite so much this time and now i'm even more with 4 weeks to go! I had all the good intentions there of eating well etc but it just hasn't worked and I think I feel worse cause I know its my own fault :x .

What sort of weight have other people put on?

Tan x
I've put on a stone and a half so far, but I've got the worse to come!!!

I'm not worrying about it at all though. I have a friend who is 5'3" and a size 8, and she has 3 kids. Her youngest is 3, and she put on almost 5 stone with her and her DH had to roll her to get her out of bed at the end!!!!! If she can lose it, I can! :lol:
Tan, You never know you could be carrying a lot of water, even if you are not you will have two children to run around after rather than one, that will help shift the weight! I've put on three stone and I was already a big girl, the book states that because of my size I should only put on a stone if want to get back to my previous weight (and I lost nearly three stone prior to getting pregnant argh!) - well that's out of the window now! Ive told OH to buy me a cross trainer for Christmas!

Kat x
Don't worry Tan....i'm feeling the same too-worried how i'm going to lose the weight afterwards. I've always weighed 7 stone and i've put on 2 stone already, it's mad because i've always found it hard to put on weight before even though i eat like a horse!!!
Being pregnant it's so easy for the weight to pile on.

I'm sure once we have our little ones, and running round after them, we will lose it! As well as eating more healthy!

I'm trying to think postively.

Don't worry, I did'nt think you looked huge at all in your photos Tan!

Amy xx
mines about the same as you tan :( i dont even like to look at myself coz it just makes me feel awful :(
tan - even if you lived on salad (which wouldn't be good for the baby) you'd still put weight on... our bodies do it naturally - they have to to support the baby... your body is working so hard keeping you alive and also feeding and growing a baby (another person) when you have the baby you'll find a lot of it drops off... water, baby, placenta, breast tissue, blood, etc etc.... don't worry yourself over it... i had to stop myself because i was becoming obsessed with the weight gain.. but now i just think! enjoy it.. it's the one time in your ife you don't have to worry about weight... it will come off.. i'm joining weight watchers after i've had the baby with my mum.. we want a perfect figure by the time christmas comes so we're joining together... (as pefect as poss)

we'll do it all together... our own weight watchers on line... we're all due similar times.. we'll log on every week with our weigh in... we can come on and moan about having bad days... and congratulate each other when we achieve 1/2 stone then 1 stone... we'll all have perfect figures by christmas... in fact i'm going to start the ball rolling now.... going to post a new topic
Im also conscious about my weight. Im a 5ft 1/2 shorty who has weighed between 7 - 7 1/2 stone all my life. Im now just over 10 stone, it really has dented my confidence. They say you loose about 1 stone once the baby is born. Are you breastfeeding Tan as this is supposed to help aswell.

Thanks everyone!

Yes i'm breastfeeding so i'm hoping that will help (I know it sounds terrible but it's one of the reasons i'm trying to do it for longer this time as I only lasted 2/3 weeks before) And my boobs have grown quite a bit aswell so I think thats where some of the weight is. I was a 34DD and i'm now a 36E/F.

Have a bit of swelling etc so maybe some is water etc. I just remember being gutted last time cause after i'd given birth i stupidly weighed myself and it hadn't changed at all! Couldn't understand that! But when I look back at my pics etc I do look all puffy and bloated!

I am trying hard to ignore it but i've had probs with anorexia and bullemia in the past and I think there's still a part of me that panics when I look in the mirror. I was worse with my first but i'm just struggling with the sight of my lumps and bumps at the moment. It has made it better by getting very few stretch marks this time so far. I just have really poor confidence and very skinny friends which isn't a good mix I guess!

Anyway, i've already said this on the other post but am definitely up for the weight loss club!

Tan x
i think we put far too much pressure on ourselves... the changes happening to our bodies are happening far to quickly... we get no time to get use to the changes... this is the reason we hate the way we look... i keep looking at my bump and thinking it can't get any bigger... the way i look at it... if it wasn't there before then it's baby weight and we all know we can get it off... Tan we'll all do it together! we'll be in those little black dresses a christmas...

my cousin was a size 6 - far too thin... she thought she looked okay! she got pregnant and put on 7 stone... her body needed it!!! i've never seen someone stretch so much - her bump was so pointy! i supose her body needed the weight to carry the baby..she was probably between 2 or 3 stone under weight to begin with... anyway! 3 months after she gave birth she was back in a sz 8 and looking brilliant... and she ate like a horse whilst pregnant - everything went in her mouth... she never done a strict diet - she just cut out crap and ate really healthy..

I put on nearly 3 stone :shock: when I was pregnant & 8weeks down the line i've got 5 pounds to lose until i get back to my original weigth. It won't shift though, I don't think all the Maltesers have helped :lol: so I started a diet last Sunday so hoping it won't take an age to come off.
Tan im only 23 weeks and ive gone from being 8 stone to being 11 stone!
You look so gorgeous and slim though melanie,that has to be one big baby :shock: xx

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