Feeding your baby

awwww thats great news...glad to hear she is a little fighter.....love the name u chose
we're home!!!!!!!
hopefully for good. ive seen enough of hospitals in the last 3 weeks to last me for the rest of my life!!lol

luv mummy
ps ur rite honey she's my little fighter!
I'm so glad she's improving! Take care of yourself and your precious girl and keep us posted! :)
fantastic news mummy!!!! :D

glad to hear shes on the up!!

post a pic if u can, so i can see your special little girl

take care
big hug to nicole xxxx

stacey and danielle
i will try an borrow georgias digi cam as i avnt got 1 of my own to post a pic
she still only weighs 5lb 0oz
luv mummy
ps amber- nicole is now having about 1/2 oz evry 4 hours but she still only sleeps for 1/2 to 2 hours at a time!!
1/2oz isn't very much but she seems to be gaining weight and that's important. Ava was having 2oz every 3 hours immediately after she was born.
i know its not much but at least its something lol!
ye she is gaining weight at last
luv mummy and nicole
Is really good to hear that Nicole is putting ont he weight. A friend of mine's baby lost a lot of weight, was 4ld something but is now a chubby baby and is always smiling. Hope you are doing ok too hon, the last couple of weeks must have been so scary. Lots of love to you both xxxxx
Am glad you are all home, it must have been a strain, hospitals are not the nicest of places and leaving your baby there must have been so hard.
i avent slept for 3 weeks solid
now i am getting about 1/2 an hours sleep and i wake up evry time she moves
apart from that im doin fine aswel
nicole now weighs 5lb 2oz
yes minikins i hated leaving her there i only left her for about an hour but it felt like 4ever, i had to be with her
luv mummy and nicole keila
I was just wondering about how much my son is eating lol after 2 wks completely b/f i put him on the bottle felt awful doing it but i have 2 other young boys 3 if ya count the hubby and i just didnt have the time :( so needs must i'm affraid,
anyway he started on 3 ozs every 4 hours which he guzzled so after 3 days he went up to 4 ozs every 4 hrs which he also guzzled and then i put him on 5 ozs every four hours and still he guzzled so i kept asking my health visiter if that seemed alot but she said it was fine adn if he was draingin his bottles i should put him up again!! she worked out his weight and how much he should be taking and he is now on 6 oz's every 5 hours. reading everyone elses tho that seems such a lot.

P.s Mummy2be i hope everything is omn the up for you now, it does sound like you've had a tough time of it :)
ye thank you lyn nicole is on the up!!!
she now weighs 5lb 9oz wich is great!!
luv mummy

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