How many ounces of formula?


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2008
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I wonder if anyone who formula feeds can help me with a quick question? My LO is 4 weeks old tomorrow and currently having 4 ounces of SMA gold every 4 hours as recommended on the tin. The problem is that over the last few days he cannot go longer than 3 to 3 and a half hours and I'm worried I'm giving him more than the tin suggests. If I try and leave him 4 hours he doesn't settle, I dont want to over feed him but then I dont want to starve him. Anyone have any advice? Would 5 ounces be too much for a 4 week old?

Thanks very much :D

My advice is to give him what ever he wants. None of mine have ever followed the guidelines on the tin. As soon as he starts draining the odd 4oz bottle start making 5ozs. Sometimes I found they would only got 1-2 hours between and feed and other times they would go 5. Hes not going to over feed :hug:
give whatever he's after...

leah used to be like that, and now she's on 5-6oz every couple of hours.... i dont know where she puts it all :shock:
I agree with what the other girls said..... My baby has always had 3 hours between feeds... he has never gone 4 hours. Dont go by what the guidelines say on the tin... go by what your baby needs.. as already said.. as soon as baby starts to drain the bottle.. up it another ounce.

When Fynn was 3 weeks old I done the same thing as you.... went by what it said on the tin... and all Fynn done all the time was cry and I couldnt understand why... when I rang the HV she came round and told me just to up his feed... it didnt make him go 4 hours between feeds.. but it did stop him from crying and being hungry.

3-4 hours between feeds is normal!

Good Luck! :wink:
Thanks for the advice - his daddy is giving him 5 ounces now as I type - he has been draining every 4 ounce bottle recently. The reason I've been cautious is that the health visitor said that too much formula can cause kidney damage, I didn't know what was classed as 'too much'. I'll listen to the baby from now on!!
Gene said:
Thanks for the advice - his daddy is giving him 5 ounces now as I type - he has been draining every 4 ounce bottle recently. The reason I've been cautious is that the health visitor said that too much formula can cause kidney damage, I didn't know what was classed as 'too much'. I'll listen to the baby from now on!!

My HV told me not to up Fynns bottles.... but when I rang a different HV for advice and she came out straight away to see me (cos I was really upset on the phone) she told me to ignore what the other HV had said... and to go with my instincts a.. as they will rarely be wrong... weven if your LO doesnt drink the extra ounce at least its there for him... if he does drink it then I would up it another ounce... I always like to have an ounce left over in the bottle... then I know my baby has had what he's needed. Just because its there.. doesnt mean he will drink it all.

Dont listen to the HV (they talk bollox) or what it says on the formula tin... go with your instints.

Good Luck! :wink:
Gene said:
the health visitor said that too much formula can cause kidney damage,

Nobody quote me on this cos I'm not 100% sure but I thought it was only when you put too much formula in the water eg 6 scoops in 5oz of water that it can cause kidney damage. Other than that I think they van have as much milk as they want. :)
thats what i thought too kellie, never heard of giving them too much milk can. i have always demand fed both mine, reanna went 4-5 hour sbetween feeds, whereas kayla was lucky if she got to 3 hours betwen feeds and by 4 weeks she was having 5-6 ozs she put 1lb a week on for first 5-6 weeks but it has evened out now and she has cut right bk on her milk and her weight gain is returning bk to average instead of above average, lol. give him what he wants when he wants hun. good luck.

both of mine have had what they wanted. Harrison is 6 weeks and taking 5 ounces every 3-4 hours.
Ryan has 4 ounces every 3 hours during the day and has been since he was born! except the last few weeks were he has been going longer through the night between feeds
HV's really annoy me - I hate the way all babies are supposed to be the same at the same age when they are all clearly different and different sizes, shapes, appetites, growth phases etc. - all you can do is listen to your baby - if they are draining a bottle it means generally they need more even if only for one or two feeds a day.

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