Feeding your baby


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2005
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How old is your baby and how much are they eating?

I bottlefeed with formula and Ava was taking 2-3 ounces of formula every 4 hours until she was like 2 weeks old. Now, at 5 weeks old, she takes 3-4 ounces every 3 hours on the dot!
sorry amber i am unable to help, Danielle is nearly 11 weeks old and is completely b/f. not sure how much she gets but i am over the moon with her weight gain. birth weight 6lb 10oz, which dropped to 6lb 3oz in first week. at 10 weeks she weighed 9lb 5.5oz.

is ava`s weight gain steady? if so i wouldn`t worry. she will let u know if she isn`t getting enough and it will also show in her weight

hope this helps alittle
I'm so disappointed to not be breastfeeding. I tried it for the first 2 days in the hospital and felt a bond like no other! The day I was discharged from the hospital I had a spinal headache which kept me in bed a lot for 2 weeks before it started to go away. So I pretty much gave up on breastfeeding as my husband took over most of the feedings during that time.

Ava was born at 8lbs 1oz and I'm not worried about her weight gain at all, she's a little chubberoo!! I was just curious to how much everyone elses babies are eating.
sounds like u had a rough time after birth (((bighugs to u)))

hope u r all well now
hannah is taking about 3 ounces every 4 hours with the odd 40 ml every now and again just hoping she has put weight on tomorrow
my littl girl hardly drinks anyfin
i keep tryin 2 feed her but she just spits it out
birth weight 5oz 3oz last week it droped 2 4lb 9oz an than she was put in an incubator on 1 of them fings
now shes putin on a bit more weight but still not enuf im really worried
luv mummy
What does her doctor think? I know around that time, my baby was taking 2-3oz every 4 hours, but she was born at 8lbs 1oz.
im takin her down 2 tha docs 2day
im really worried!! 2-3 ounces! my baby dosent even drink a bottle a day
i cant force feed her can i so i dont no wat 2 do
luv mummy
ps i like ur baby pics
Not even a bottle? Good luck with the docs, I hope everything is okay!
bad news
theyr keepin her in an incubator agen
her weights dropped 2 4lb 3oz
they have no idea y she wont feed but there doin a few tests
luv mummy
awww sorry to hear that!! ((hugs to u and to ur little girl))

keep us posted
Awww, I hope she's okay! Let us know what happens when you can!
not doin 2 good
im just bac 2 get a few fings an then im goin bac up

luv mummyxoxox
awwww give her a big kiss and hug from all of us, we are thinking of you!
my fingers are crossed......you take care xxx
Hello Mummy
I've been reading your posts. How are you and your baby girl doing? It'll be a worrying time for you. I'm sure that all of us on the forum is thinking of you! Be strong!
Much love coming your way...
Emilia xx
ps. you've chosen a lovely name.
Mummytobe_15, how are things going? Hope that your baby girl is getting better and is putting on weight. Am sure she'll be a little sumo in no time. Thinking of you both lots, take care of yourself, sending you both hugs and best wishes xxxx
shes put on a bit more weight
she weighs 4lb 7oz now
an hopefully shell be able to come home tomorrow!!!
we'll have to visit the hospital regularly 4 checkups
but at least shes gettin better

luv mummy
That's great news hon, so pleased to her she's putting on weight. Hope you have her home tomorrow xxxxx

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