Feeding on demand


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2005
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Ellis is getting a little pest in the day time and will take a feed of between 2 1/2 and 4 ounces then about 2 hrs later is moaning for more but will only take a few ounces again.

At night time he is going between 3-4 hrs with 2 1/2 to 4 ounces, so he is not a problem.

I was wondering if I should change to hungry baby milk, then the same amount he is taking might fill him up more for 3-4 hrs in the day instead of 2.

Also do anyone know if Aptilmil do a hungry baby formular?

Please let me know if anyone else has had this problem.


Keely xxxx
Yes they do, it's called Level 2 milk, think the packet is blue or green???

I don't think he needs hungry baby milk, it sounds like he could be getting trapped air. Try winding him more and then offering more milk? I think people rush to hungry milk too quickly to get some respite, but they will settle down when they get to a couple of month old hun x
thanks sami, I will be asking the HV on thursday too.

He is a very winding baby and doesnt like to give them burps up!! I wind for 10 mins at a time sometime 15, then an hr late he can do a massive burp from me just holding him! :evil:

I am still on dr brown bottles too :shock: he just likes to guzzle.

I thought 4oz is quite a lot for a 3 week old? He's probably going through a growth spurt and needs the extra milk at the moment which is why he is feeding frequently. Hungry baby milk is just thicker and harder for them to digest, I wouldn't rush onto it as I know of some women whose babies have screamed for hours with tummy ache after being put onto it. I'm sure that it depends on the baby though :)
Kina said:
Hungry baby milk is just thicker and harder for them to digest,

I didnt know that, I thought i was just like us having cereal brekkie or a fry up... it would just fill you up for longer.

Thanks Kina

Is there any mums that have had there babies on hungry milk? and how did you find it?

I give Brody level 2 aptimil (aptimil extra in a purple box) at about 5 months as he was still having very small feeds little and often.

It didn;t make a blind bit of difference I guess he's just a snacky baby!

I hear of other babies taking 6-8 oz and I'm so jealous, Brody is 8 months now and is still mainly breastfed but at night I give him formula and I'm lucky if he has 2 oz :(
..........and just to prove me wrong he's taken 7oz tonight!

I offered 4 which he took so I had to make another 3 and he took all that too!
liam doesnt take more than 4 oz at a time been like that since he was about 5 weeks old
Keely, olivia is exactly the same, with the feeding and the wind!

My HV suggested that she may be thrusty and advised givin cooled boiled water between feeds! This does help sometimes, but other it doesn't!

I was wondering what to do too, Olivia takes 4-5 oz's every 3-4 hours in the day and night, sometimes she goes 5 hours not very often! She also wakes up and seem hungry after 2 hours she sucks on her dummy like mad, even after a feed! I have tried getting 6 ozs down her but she wont have anymore than 4-5!

If you find anything that helps please let me kno lol!
urchin said:
..........and just to prove me wrong he's taken 7oz tonight!

I offered 4 which he took so I had to make another 3 and he took all that too!

haha bloody kids always out to prove you wrong!! hehe

I am also going to ask HV tomorrow Kelly so I'll let you know what mine says.

i found the hungry baby milk real bad for harl he had bed belly while on it... i had the same prob keely i posted on here edvery one reasured me it was a phase or a groth spurt so i carried on feeding him when he wanted and after a week it calmed down harl is now having 9oz every 3/4 hrs and sleeps 13hrs at night x x x
oh i wish liam would sleep for 9 hours in a row never mind 13 hours dionne. lucky
im going to see my HV tomoro too, be interesting to se what they both say!
Hi Keely,

Just thought d tell ya what the my HV said yest!

She said if i think that she is ready forthe 2nd step milk then to put her on it, she also said that when they come upto 6 weeks they have a growth spurt, she said this might be what she is going through now and if she is it will settle down! She said that i was doing right by trying to make her go at least 3 hours before i feed her!

I think she is a bit little to put her on the 2nd milk yet so im going to carrying on with what im doing and if she doesn't settle im going to changer her when i haves used up all the 1st stage milk! We still have 2 tins left and they are funny about changing it so ill use it u 1st!

Hope this helps!

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