Feeding bigger babies


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2008
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Jack will be 2 months tomorrow, 9 weeks on Wednesday.

The last time he was weighed was 6 weeks and he was then 13lb 11oz (Length 62cm) Since there I have noticed he has grown loads and certainly weighs a lot.

I was give EBM until about 5 weeks and has been formula fed since then - he currently takes around 140ml every 3 hours - He can take more before bed and first thing in the morning (he sleeps through the night 10pm-7.30am)

Thing is, in the past week or so, he is hungry after just an hour, and has been knawing on his fists, properly going for them as if he is trying to chew them off!!

What can I do, besides round the clock feeding every hour, to satisfy him?!! Should I be judging his feeding more by his size than age? If he is full after 100ml-140ml he won't even take the bottle, just winges later.
Just up his milk and feed him when he wants. he's still very young plus it's probably a growth spurt.
Ignore anything that it says on the side of the tin about amounts!

We always used to go for the rule of making bottles up so that there is around an ounce left when they have had enough, when they then drain that size bottle a few times, add another ounce and so on.

My LO is fairly big and always had more than it said on the tin, at Jack's age I would be going for feeding hime the max he wants as often as he wants it - he will quickly settle into soemthing of a routine.
is he on hungry baby milk, i had to put kieron on it at 2 weeks because the first milk wouldnt fill him, i put him on solids at 9 weeks because he was having 9oz bottles every 2.5 hours
up his milk intake - don't go by the weeks thing on the side of the tin (load of rubbish IMO)
He is on hungry baby milk yes, and he won't take anymore - he will tighten his lips when full - but when we've tried feeding when he's hungry, it's every hour, and he'll still take 100-140ml. We tried it this evening, and felt like non-stop feeding :?
I'm not coming at this from a knowledgeable point of view but is there anyway to distract him from wanting food for say an extra half hour or so? Then he might take more and you could maybe stretch to and hour and a half between meals. And if that works you could maybe stretch to 2 hours.
Lovella was and still is a big baby.. she fed every 3 hours too and weighed 13lbs 5 oz at 6 weeks (14lbs 14oz at 9 weeks). Uping his milk probably wont work as you cnt make him take more in a feed than he wants anyway but you could try giving him a drink of water inbetween feeds to try and satisfy him. It sounds like a growth spurt to me though, Lovella did this exact same thing too and i couldnt figure out why she was so hungry. It didnt last long and she was back to 3 hourly feeds :)
Like Carly said i was going to suggest water too.

Let us know how you get on Lucy?

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