Fed up.....


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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with not being able to sleep, most nights i don't fall asleep till stupid hour (3/4am) but tonight i fell asleep at just before 9pm and then woke up at 11pm with bad heartburn and busting to go to the loo and now i can't get back to sleep, its so annoying, im so tired :cry: :(
Arrrgghh God! I don't envy you :hug: I hated that part of pregnancy, it was the worst bit. Especially considering you have 3 other children so you don't even have the time to catch up on it like I did! (So I can't complain).

I sympathise :( Hope you manage to get some sleep ASAP!! x
aww sweety :hug: :hug: i know just how you feel!! i got to sleep at 5.30am yesterday :( it was one thing after another but thankfully little one was pooped from a busy day so slept in till 10. i got a few hours and mannaged without falling asleep grocery shopping but hoping to get a decent nights sleep tonight! hope your having some lovely :sleep: :sleep: right now x x x
I know what you mean. Ive been like this for ages.. it sucks.. :(

Claire x
I have been the same! :( Im sick of crappy nights and they wont get any better! Thats what makes it worse doesnt it!? Knowing that even when baby is born, we then have the night feeds lol!
God I understand, and I dont have other LOs to look after, you that do are troopers!! :clap:
Tell me about it, i seem to fall asleep ok listening to my hypnobirthing cd but soon wake up and if i do go back to sleep i wake on the hour every hour :wall:
Oh I know how you feel and it must be harder for you with 4 little ones already! Everyone around me has had their babies and I'm sat here like a whale and I bet I go over too.

Why is it that the last weeks of pregnancy each feel like a month! :wall:
I really sympathise with you hun, I hated that part of my pregnancy, don't know how you do it with 3 other kids to look after! Hope you can get some sleep and manage to relax a little :hug:
i know exactly how you feel hun, last night was the worst night i have had so far, i must of had about 2 hours sleep last night and that was in dribs and drabs :cry: I NEED SLEEEEEEEEPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!
got to sleep at 4am, then was awake again at 5:30am because i had heartburn again :roll: then went back to sleep at 6am them was up with the kids at 7am, i give up i really do. i really hope i don't go over this time
How do you manange with the 4 kids plus being tired and pg? You really must some sort of superwoman.
:hug: :hug: :hug:

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