Fed up!!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2008
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Apologies in advance for rant, but here goes.... :wall:
Had midwife apt yesterday and had trace of protein in urine and also ++glucose, so annoyed with myself for not being good with chocolate and sweet stuff, i know i am high risk with diabetes as my mum has it and i am overweight, and yet iv still been stuffing my face with sweet stuff aaaargghhh :wall:
So iv got to go back on mon for more tests. Plus i was hoping to have a homebirth, had one with my second daughter, lovely experience, much better than my hospital experience first time. I was told at booking in apt that they would advise against it as i have a slightly higher bmi, but they did stress only advisory, got to see consultant, but not until nov.
So yesterday i asked what the medical reasons were for not being able to have homebirth, i know that if i do get diabetes baby may be large, but if not i wanted to know my options. Midwife said it's because the staff has been reduced by 50% and i could not be guaranteed the support unless i went into labour at night!!! I kept saying but what are the medical implications, no answer, just ranted on about staff problems, so now really fed up and no wiser.
Hoping for different midwife on mon who will be more helpful!
On the plus side i cannot believe how fast this pregnancy is going :cheer: :cheer:
Hi to all :wave:
I had ++glucose several times in my second pregnancy and was sent for a GTT but came back fine. My midwife told me to steer clear of sweet stuff, at least the day before an appointment if I couldn't manage all the time! Did this and it worked. Then went home and ate the chocolate! You are not the only one with no willpower!

If there is a higher risk for you tho, you know you need to cut down. Why don't you let yourself have on day on, one day off, then at least you are cutting the intake by half?! Hope everything is ok and I really hope you get your homebirth :pray:

However, if you do develop diabetes or your baby is looking on the large side then please do consider what the midwife and docs say about the risk. My 3rd daughter was 10lb (too much chocolate?) and got stuck on the way out (shoulder dystocia). Luckily, I had 2 very experienced midwives attending my homebirth which meant they managed to save her and me without transfer to hosp. But it was very dodgy for a while as her head was out for 20min before they freed her. And the gas and air ran out :shock:

For this reason, we have decided to have number 4 at hosp, just in case it's another whopper. So perhaps one of the reasons they are reluctant to go for the homebirth is just the risk of a big baby? However if it's just staffing then that is just shocking. If there is no medical reason then plan your homebirth and if there's no staff available on the day then just be prepared to go to hosp.

Hope everything works out ok, I know what you mean about homebirths being so much better, esp when you already have kids at home.
Hi Mummyjess :wave:
Thank you so much for your reply. It's made me feel a lot better about things.
I am trying to prepare myself for the fact i may have to go to hospital. If they do give me a medical reason i wouldn't go against there advice, was just frustrated with the midwife not actually answering my question :wall:
Now wondering whether to see if i can exchange my homebirth hynotherapy cd's for hospital birth ones? :think:
Did they know your last baby was big before birth?
Oh why did i have to carry on being a pig!!!!
Mind you my plan was to lose weight before i got pregnant, as i was overweight, over 35, dh a driver (supposed to lower sperm count!!) i thought it would take months, but fell pregnant straight away :lol: good intentions though!!
sammy72 said:
Did they know your last baby was big before birth?

My second baby was 9lb 5oz, and I was measuring a couple of weeks ahead towards the end so they knew she'd be on the big side but think we were all a bit surprised when she arrived! :lol: Mind, you, I've been told that I'm likely to have an even bigger one this time yet my midwife said I probably won't have growth scans or be induced early. I'm quite scared about it happening again and so is my OH, bless him. We may go private if we can't get them to take us seriously but think if I go and sit there and demand they listen to me then they may not have much choice. Still, it' s a while away yet!

sammy72 said:
Mind you my plan was to lose weight before i got pregnant, as i was overweight, over 35, dh a driver (supposed to lower sperm count!!) i thought it would take months, but fell pregnant straight away :lol: good intentions though!!

You may notice from my signature that my youngest is only just 1. We had planned a 4th baby but not until she was about 3 :lol: I was still trying to lose weight from having her when I found out I was 8 weeks pregnant! Whoops! :roll: I have so far put on about 8 pounds in 2 months cos I can't stop eating! So you are definitely not alone! I have no willpower either, despite promising myself that I wouldn't gain too much this time. (I've put on about 4 stone with each pregnancy, though luckily managed to lose most of it again.)

Hope all goes well on Monday with your tests. Remember... no sweet stuff tomorrow, at least not after midday! If you can! Let me know. Oh, and don't give up on the homebirth yet, it will prob all be fine!

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