Fed Up!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2010
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With waiting! :(

I feel like I must have OVed later than I thought, but it makes no sense to me. I got my ebay cheapies today and had been saving my FMU (in a pot!) lol. I dipped the stick in for about 25-30 seconds and waited. I could swear I saw a faint tiny whisper of a line but after a while my eyes couldn't focus so I tried to take pics but my camera is CRAP! Way, way, WAY too blurry to see anything properly. :(

CD45 today, NO AF signs but yesterday my boobs hurt when I took my bra off and my veins were quite prominent. No CM anymore but haven't checked today.

I was feeling so positive about doing a cheapie and I'm gutted. :(

Had a few friends announce their pregnancies as well which made me feel even more useless. If we haven't done it this cycle then I will *have* to get OPKs, I cannot go another 2 months guessing, it's awful. :(

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Not sure whether to do one more test in the afternoon and see what happens??

x x

hey hun, yes Im with you all the way am cd45 too and its really upsetting and frustrating have been taking pics endlessly, Shauna says do test in afternoon as thats when hers showed up first. I feel really sad today too so will cry together x
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww hunny
maybe wait untill tomorrow morning?
haha thts rich coming from me as i wouldnt be able to wait at all
but a line is a line huny
FX for you and lots of :dust: to you huny let me know
im going to my mums for the night with alfie as im feeling fed up myself but mine is hormones from Af being due friday but will come back on tomorrow let me know how test goes huny x x x
Thanks girls.

Gemini - I thought I must have OVed around the 14th/17th because of stretchy CM but then that would make me late for AF - I thought a cheapie would give me a nice dark line but it was so incredibly faint I just binned it. :(

It's comforting to know that I'm not on my own with ridiculous cycles. I might do another one later on as I bought 20 but will really try and go easy on them as my husband was shocked I'd nabbed a pack of 20 lol. I suppose I've kept so calm this cycle that I feel like I need to just cry. :( :cry:

Minx - I'm out tomorrow so won't be able to test - I could do one more today in the afternoon (bugger, I should have waited a bit) and if it's still no clearer, I'll test again on Monday perhaps. Aw hun, sorry to hear that. Keep positive though, you're not out til AF arrives. x x

:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:
I wouldn't rely on the cheapies too much...I got a faint positive on boots and superdrug cheapies,then a faint pos on a cb,then a bfp on a digi that afternoon! Didn't get a dark line on a cheapies til about 2 weeks after my digi bfp xxx fx u get urs soon xxx
Thanks hun. I think because they're only something like 10miu, I thought it'd be obvious if I was or not. I'm going to properly calculate the length of my last cycle to make sure it was/was not 50 days. x x
Please invest in some OPKs.....please!!! I will send you some of mine, but please use them....it take 50% of the guesswork away and will help you relax more, i swear! xxx
Ok, I checked again and even checked the pack of Microgynon I'd been using (first time ever in my whole life) and where we thought I'd used only 4, I had used 8! Re-calculated my cycle and last one was 42 days. This one is now 45.


Samsgirl, I'm on Ebay now looking at the OPKs, but thank you for the really generous offer, that's so kind of you! :) x
Did you really see a faint line??? Remember this was just a trial before you reached the 50 mark..... sending you a big hug honey xxxx The offer of eating my hat is still on....
Ok, I checked again and even checked the pack of Microgynon I'd been using (first time ever in my whole life) and where we thought I'd used only 4, I had used 8! Re-calculated my cycle and last one was 42 days. This one is now 45.


Samsgirl, I'm on Ebay now looking at the OPKs, but thank you for the really generous offer, that's so kind of you! :) x

Isn't microgynon for not getting pregnant I took that when I was 16... confused as why you said you had taken them????
Yeah, what I meant was that I had been using it for the month of my wedding which was in July, so I wouldn't get AF during the wedding or honeymoon. So I used 21 days worth then stopped, had a period then only took 8 before we decided we wanted to have a baby. As soon as I stopped taking it, I had another bleed but was about 4 days long. So from there til my next period was about 40-42 days. My last AF was 23rd September and lasted 4 days.

Should I do another test or leave it til Monday???

P.S. Tracey, I'm *sure* I did but my eyes felt like they were going cross eyed after a while so binned the test.
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may as well...you have another 19....u may have mixed up your cycle last month by taking 8 pills out the pack then stopping......thats why you have had a long cycle, i think anyway. could be wrong.......

Think you might have to wait a couple of months for a normal period but not sure I know that they mess your periods up so much, I hated taking it so lied to my MIL at time she was a cow always asking if I'd come on. I mean its private enough to just not stress about it on your own let alone someone naggin you about it. I hope you get your BFP but from sounds of it your body is just getting back to normal from the pills you took :S
This isn't unusual for me at all by the way. I'm normally irregular and can miss a month or so, so I doubt it is the pill. Plus, I forgot a few so it's not like I stuck to it properly either. x
yeah but your body would have gotten used to it then bang withdrawal thats all i'm saying...

mine were irregular I had my last period on 15th May and tested positive on 19th June (cheapie) 20th (Clearblue Digi) so I used to count a month then up to 7 extra days for my period to come...?
Maybe.. My sister used the same pill, she's irregular as well and she said she went back to being just as irregular after stopping it as well. Even so, this AF is still later than the last. Don't think it's worth doing another test today seeing as I've done one already so will prob save it for next week sometime? :confused:
Awww hun, you poor thing.
Why don't you try again with FMU in the morning, dunk one of those tests in straight away and if it's negative, like Tracy said, leave it until 50 days then have another go.
Don't get too downhearted, you have been staying so positive!
Sending you lots of luck and love x
I did use FMU but it was a few hours old so not sure if that would affect it.

Five days to go til I reach 50 so not too long. I'm wondering whether I did actually OV late as I had clear thin CM around the last few days of October so got a few BDs in just in case. :p

Can't hurt to try again in the morning, you'll still have 28 tests left :)

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