Fed up with TTC!


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2007
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Is it just me or has anyone else just had enough of TTC???

I'm now just about to start month 7 TTC after AF arrived 2 days late yesterday and again it's another month of heartbreak!!

When me and DH started out TTC when we'd got back from our honeymoon in June I convinced myself that I'd be pregnant well before christmas.... I even told all my family that I was going to be doing the xmas much this year because I'd be pregnant by then and it's still not happend..... :wall: :wall:

Each month I'm charting temps and doing OPK's and timing BDing perfectly and it's just not happening and I'm just so fed up of it all :cry:

Luckily I'm having a month off over Christmas and New Year which is luckly really because my predicted OV date is New years eve and I want a drink or two to see in the new year so I'm hoping that I'll be feeling a bit more positive after a little break

Sorry for the moan ladies, I know there's loads of you who've been trying loads longer than me but I'm just in one of those 'I'm useless and I'm going to feel sorry for myself' moods

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Many a babe conceived whilst under the influence :wink:
Have a lovely Christmas and New Year, you'll be pregnant in 2008, that's a great thing to focus on and look forward to, do hope your mood lifts soon, very best wishes!! :cheer: :hug:
Chrissy hun you don't have to have a month off ttc - both mine have been conceived while under the influence :wink:

I conceived my son while DH and I were on a boozy holiday in Majorca and I didn't stop drinking this time either. I will obv stop drinking now though :wink:

Have a few vinos over christmas and a few bd and hopefullt things will happen for you when you are both more relaxed.

Have a good Christmas hun :D

:hug: :hug: :hug:

It gets harder and harder each month that AF pays us a visit doesn't it.

Well some of us on here are well overdue their BFPs, so the New Year has got to bring us some baby dust and lots of BFPs.

Hope you feel a bit brighter soon. I had a very dark week last week, only starting to feel better now that my AF has gone.

Eat, drink and be merry over xmas. Bin those opks and just BD lots. That's what I'm going to try to do (yeah right, I'll need to poas at least once :D )

it does get very hard and i understand how u feel. Maybe u should go check with docs just see if everythings fine.
Xmas is a time to take your mind of stress, keep bdin hun u never kno u might expect when youre not expecting. :hug:
I 100% know how you feel! Every month is like a rollercoaster of emotions, in fact every day is lately! One minute Im excited about what could happen this month and I feel really positive, the next min Im completely disheartened about it all, ready to give up, convinced that we are never going to conceive. I get angry with my OH if he isnt up for some lovin as much as me, and I must really drive him crazy with my mood swings.

Now Im at the BDing stage of the month again Im feeling quite chirpy and hopeful - I will have a little drink over xmas but will not go mad just incase. I am due AF/test on my birthday (3rd Jan) this has made me even more hopeful that I will have the best present ever!! I already know though that if AF rears her ugly head then I will have the most depressed birthday ever! I keep telling myself I have to chill out but I am finding it completely impossible.

When I think back to when we started TTC, we thought I would definitely be pregnant by now, we hoped for a Summer baby, I even started thinking about buying stuff to change the spare room into a nursery, crazy isnt it! All this time has passed and nothing has changed. The more time that passes the more worried and obsessive I get, I annoy myself alot of the time. My life is completely revolved around something that doesnt exist!
I'm with you all on this one, for the first week your excited as new month. The second week you start bedding third week fingers crossed and bit more bedding forth week your going crazy with sympton spotting and feeling out for af cramps and checking your pants for blood!!!!
CazH said:
I'm with you all on this one, for the first week your excited as new month. The second week you start bedding third week fingers crossed and bit more bedding forth week your going crazy with sympton spotting and feeling out for af cramps and checking your pants for blood!!!!

Haha! Its insanity isnt it!!

I actually squealed a little with glee earlier as I had egg-white CM! I never thought Id be so excited about what I find in my pants! :lol:
I'm sure it'll happen for us all in due course :hug: :D
Loola - I think the reason I'm feeling so down this month is because it was my birthday on Sunday and my AF was due on Saturday. When I temped on Sat morning and my temp was still high I was sooooo excited. I managed to put off testing until Sunday but it was a BFN (just wanted I wanted on my birthday morning!!) and my temp had dropped.

Just to wind me up the evil witch didn't even turn up until the next day! :evil:

I was sooo convinced I was going to get a BFP for my birthday. I'd been having BFP dreams since the start of the cycle and I've never had them before so I was totally convinced!

I hope it's different for you and you get a BFP for you birthday....I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you :hug:

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