Fed up with the snow now. Rant at nobody in particular!


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2008
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I was so excited when it first started snowing on Sunday night, especially as we don't get it much here. My daughters were sent home from school and preschool on Monday lunchtime and then were off again on Tuesday so we had a lovely time making snowmen and curling up in duvets in front of the TV.

They were back at school on Wednesday and I thought that was it.

Then we woke up Thursday morning to even more snow than we'd had previously. Of course, school was closed again so off we went to the park to make the most of it. Two hours later though, my 1 year old was bawling cos she was cold and tired, my 7 year old had a strop cos my middle daughter wanted to help with her snowman :roll: and I my hips were killing me from walking so far. When we got home, they got bored really quickly and fed up just being stuck inside. I couldn't go out in the car anywhere cos the roads were really bad so didn't want to risk an accident with me being so heavily pregnant and all the kids in the car.

I was so hoping that school would be on today cos I'm just exhausted. But I got a text from the school at 8.15 saying it was closed again so we have yet another day stuck in together. It's difficult to find things indoors that they can all enjoy. My youngest is asleep at the mo so I've got the older 2 doing board games but this will only last a short time unless I do it with them and that means I get nothing done around the house. If they try to do anything like playmobile or art activities when Roxy is awake then she messes it up and there's shouting and screaming. So it's been constant Cbeebies or CBBC, and I hate them watching so much TV.

The washing and ironing etc is piling up, the living room has duvets, books and toys everywhere and they are constantly demanding snacks (boredom eating I guess).

Don't get me wrong, my kids are good kids and they get on well with each other. It's just I'm on such a short fuse anyway because of the pregnancy that I find myself snapping at them for the smallest thing, which I know isn't fair on them. I can't get out in the car still cos of the dangerous roads and it's been snowing and sleeting on and off all morning so haven't even been able to turf them out into the garden.

So sorry for the long rant, just ignore me if you want! I know I should be making the most of the snow and having this time together but it's just hard work being so pregnant and having to look after 3 young kids who are climbing the walls.
Same here..im fed up with it now.I only get to see my OH at weekends and looks like i might not be getting to see him this weekend cus of the road conditions.My 2 eldest have been off school and been out building snowmen and sledging etc so its great for the kids....but being pregnant i cant go join in and go sledging...boooooo.
I remember there being loads of snow when I was about 38 weeks pregnant with Logan. It wasn't so fun then cos I was worried about being in labour and being snowed in!
I think snow is only nice when you dont have to go out in it :rotfl:
i'm bored to, the TV has been on pretty much constantly this week.

im well fed up of it.im fed up of having to do the school run i the snow and people driving like idiots.and im fed up of OH been sent home from work cos he cant work in the snow.hes lost 3 days wages this week so were mega skint :(
Wow your school is posh texting you to say its closed we have to wait with bated breath for a radio announcement 5 mins before they should be going in to school :roll:
chickadee1976 said:
Surely if his work send him home they have to pay him,
only his bare minimum per hour.no bonus.no travel.no wet time and only for 7hrs a day :( theyre not working the weekend so he gets paid the equivalent of 3days what he would normally get paid.

aramintalovegrove said:
Wow your school is posh texting you to say its closed we have to wait with bated breath for a radio announcement 5 mins before they should be going in to school :roll:

we just have to turn and see :lol:
send all your unwanted snow my way.....i want to go sledging! :)

Ours is starting to melt now :(

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