Fed up with Feeling the need to...


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2011
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Pee all the blumin time! Seriously, I go to the loo then as soon as I'm done and stand up, I need to go again! :wall2::wall2:

Sorry for the rant. :-(
I find I need to pee as soon as I stand up lol. Not so bad when I'm sitting down. I think it depends where the baby is, how much I can go though iykwim. Sometimes a lot comes and then other times, I need to go 2 mins later!

I could be standing there with my legs crossed like a 3 yr old and then when I go only a dribble comes out!
Especially when it gets you up at 5.30 and your alarm doesn't go off until 6.30 and you can't get back to sleep!!
Snap pinky! Wihout fail, half 5 every morning I wake up for a wee!
It's driving me mad too! I always peed alot anyway but now it is beyond a joke
Do you know the worst bit larly, my OH's alarm went off at 5.45! Usually I'll sleep through it but not today!
Doesn't matter - would've stopped the noise n made me feel a bit better!!
Wow 5.30am must be the pee time for preggers ladies - every morning for me and like you say, I then can't get back to sleep for my very precios last hour - argh!
It's driving me crazy too feel like I'm going to burst then its like a dribble lol also hate having to get up in the middle of the night out of a warm bed for a pee and its impossible to hold it in! can only imagine how ill cope when baby gets bigger ahhh ! x
5.30am for me too. But also at 2.30 and 12pm. Hate it when I feel like I need to go and nothing comes out. :-(

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