Fed up and sick of things x


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2010
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Just feel like i am not allowed to be upset about the fact my room mate isn't pulling her weight when its her turn to clean or the fact she is using all my things i am buying and never buys them either just little things kitchen roll sponges to wash up with my jug she has now filled and using as a cold water Streliser so now i can't use it for cooking with x
Also she got sauce all over the bin after i cleaned it last night and left it and never takes the rubbish out.

Am i just over reacting or would anyone else be pissed off with this x

27 weeks pregnant. Team yellow x
No, i would be pissed off as well hun, get her bloody told, its not just her that has to live there and if your doing all the cleaning etc then i think you're well within your rights to have a go if shes not pulling her weight! xx
I would be miffed too, as deedee says better to have a chat with her about it now than a full scale row about it in a couple of weeks time. She should be more respectful. Perhaps if she is going to use your kitchen roll etc you could have a kitty and share the costs as its not fair that it always boils down to you to get it.

Hope it sorts itself out
Get her told! It would do my head in!! No wonder your fed up! You have every right to x
She making out i am being childish and i have told staff she is thick and ignorant she left mop bucket out and my son could have played in it not that she cares she never puts it away x

Sick of her to be honest x be glad if one of us gets moved today x

27 weeks pregnant. Team yellow x
awww hun, You have every right to be peed off, i would be. My cleaning instinct is a nightmare right now everything has to be clean. Id defo sit her down and ask her to pull her weight, not fair you have to do everything and use all the stuf you buy x
Well discussed with my mother in law about moving back in with her. The way i see it i am back in my old area and i got support which i want and need also what with my mum getting bad and everything i will be glad to return only problem is social services hope they don't try. And remove Leo because james is only down the road x but i need to get out of the place so going to grab stuff Sunday and leave keys and money for them that i owe x

27 weeks pregnant. Team yellow x

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