Fed up already....


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2007
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I am truly blessed to be preggy but the last couple weeks I am starting to feel really uncomfortable, my size growing etc and all the little things that come with being preg. Im not having a moan but is anyone else feeling like this, and then realising theres weeks and weeks to go :eek:
Oh yes since about 30 weeks ive been so fed up - and like you i know i should be counting my blessings but it is so hard work! Im so fed up i spend days in bed, i eat and thats it, i manage to get out at least once aday to see my horse but even that makes me sad because i cant do much with him.....oh look me going on a moan now!

CUDDLES :hug: :hug: :hug:
I have been moaning everyday to my poor hubby,im so fed up of not having any energy n generally feeling like crap n everything being an effort,so dont worry ur not alone!
Oh I'm glad someone else is feeling like this, I thought I was being a whimp as i'm only 28 weeks, but I feel massive, breathless when I'm sitting and sooooo heavy! :wall:
I want to ask for a scan just to make sure she's due in May and not April. They must have made a mistake!
I found once i left work (at nearly 30 wks) i then have just got bigger and bigger, everything is a struggle and i dont like it!

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Oh blimey I feel exactly the same!! I'm 29 weeks and feel huge! God knows what I'll be like in 10 weeks time!!
You're not alone!
dito im feeling exactly the same and my temper is very short at the min :(
Your not alone hun! Have some :hug: :hug: :hug:

I have days where i want this baby out NOW!! and days where i am quite happy for him to stay put for a while longer!

I ache and i feel huge and even the smallest job seems the hardest thing to do in the world!
SoonToBeMrs said:
Yes I feel like that almost everyday just lately.. and some days I get really depressed.

I've lost interest in things that usually interest me and the days seem to be dragging by. I dont get out much because of OH being at work all day and not being able to drive and knowing no one in Swindon because I've only lived here for a year.

I know how you feel hun.. but you'll proabbly forget all about feeling this way once baby is here and you'll wonder what all the fuss was about.

For now.. you have my total sympathy.. it's horrible feeling very heavily pregnant and fed up etc but knowing there's still a couple of months to go yet! This has to be the worst part of being pregnant.. sort of being in a half-way stage.. in limbo.. it's horrible..


You have just totally described the way I feel to a T from not making many friends since I moved here a year ago to be stuck in the house on my own while Lee works.

I have to agree that this seems to have been the hardest part of the pregnancy so far!!! So close but so far in the same sense!!!

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
The joys of pregnancy, it really does take it out of you but just keep thinking that in a short space of time you are gonna have your precious baby in your arms and you'll forget all about your aches and pains you had :hug:
Wow I never expected so many comments that echo what I feel, dont get me wrong Im so so happy to be preg but when I think nearly 12 weeks to go I think OMG thats ages, but actually it isnt really is it?

Hugs to all those that feel like a beach ball is up their jumper :hug:

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