Fed up again


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2011
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Had a miserable week this week. I'm a right moaning minnie these days.

So my rash got really bad and I had to go back to the docs and see them fully expecting to get a steroid cream as the doc had told me that was the next thing to try if the aveeno didn't work.

I saw a different doctor who asked me why the other doctor had written about steroid creams in my notes and I explained that he said it was the next thing to try. Cue doctor saying OOH NO. I don't agree with that, I won't be prescribing those to you, you can have some anti histamines instead. I don't know if they are safe because they haven't been tested but they'll probably be ok. :shock: I don't know what to think about that.

I asked while I was there about my latest blood tests and he said that they have requested a repeat on the B12 and folate for some reason. I had this last time but the stupid doc has not taken pregnancy into account when assessing the results.

So I go back today for a repeat test and the nurse stabs me 4 times and doesn't get a speck of blood out of me. She then called it quits and said see the midwife next week and she can try :shock I even gave holes in the back of my hands where she tried and it gets quite sore there.
Let's hope it's nothing serious this deficiency eh? If it turns out they have misinterpreted the results again I am going to be well pissed.

I'm really depressed about my stomach, this awful rash with the stretchmarks looks like it is going to scar really badly. Ive been told not to use any creams like bio oil so the stretchmarks are looking really bad and inflamed. Just as I was coming to terms with having the stretchmarks I appear to be properly disfigured now. I'm gutted :(
:hugs: the joys of pregnancy eh. really dont know what to suggest, just think tho a few weeks and it'll all be over and you can get the stuff you need to clear it up,

Im covered in stretch marks hunni just try and think of them as your reminder of the beautiful baby your making,

Oh and ive never had ankles anyway just leg and foot pmsl and thats worse right now too xx
Oh hun sounds like you have a right to moan, hope your ok. Take it easy and watch some tv like friends xx
Oh ffs what is it with doctors? Don't they all learn the same stuff at university? Do you have a walk in centre near you or could you not get into maternity triage somehow with "random pains" or something and get seen sooner? :hug: xxxxxxxxxx
Thanks ladies, just having a down day yesterday I think.

Hopefully it was a one off lol
:hug: Hope your scratching eases up hun. It really is a bugger.

:hugs: hun you have every right to moan!! Your doc needs a slap with those comments. Can you go to the walk in centre, may be they will give you a different cream, you can also get second opinion on those tablets. I'm sure there is an on line BFN which will tell you about the tablets too x x x

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