

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2011
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I'm getting a bit porky and it's getting me down :(

Hubby said today that to everyone else it looks like I'm putting weight on. I daren't get on the scales because I know I will have gained a lot in a short space of time.

I saw the midwife last week and my bmi is 25 so she was happy with that but I can't manage to eat healthily these days. I have no energy to cook proper meals for myself and I feel sick if I don't eat every couple of hours. So invariably that means I'm eating a choc bar/bag of crisps quite often. Does anyone have any healthy snack suggestions for me to have handy (not fruit cos that makes my nausea worse).

Roll on a few weeks time when I can get back out on my bike and at least feel as though I'm helping myself!
We all go thru that stage babe! I didn't start to feel like I looked pregnant to atleast 20 weeks! What about snacking on dried fruit, or cut up a fruit salad put in a huge container and pick from it?

Dried fruit, awesome. Thanks mrsmc ;) I'm gonna get some raisins for myself. I can manage hummus and carrot batons but people at work moan about the smell :(
try not to worry about it too much - im just getting back into the swing on eating properly - although in saying that I had fish fingers and tinned spaghetti for tea tonight.

How far on are you??

The most important things is that you keep hydrated. I was worried at the start cos all i wanted to eat was rubbish - chippie tea, mcdonalds, choc, crips - anything that wasnt healthy. but my MW said just eat what you feel like - especially if it helps with the nausea - something unhealthy is better than eating nothing.
I'm 9 weeks. I've made a detour home via the drivethru on more than one occasion in the past few weeks lol. Mcds seems very appealing at the moment!

Midwife also said that to me too but I just feel so guilty. Most of my food has come from a tin/takeaway the last few weeks.
You'll get past it. Honestly. I tried to deal with it my concentrating on the fact that its your body telling you what it wants - so if you're wanting something unhealthy - its probably because your body wants the fat or the sugar.

I once heard that if you allow a young child - say like a toddler/pre-schooler to eat only what they choose then they will soon end up choosing a balanced diet because their body tells them what they need.

What about crackers?
You can get some really tasty ones these days with seeds etc on.
Im trying to snack on those if start to feel a bit nauseous.
But your not alone - I have def put on a few pounds already also!!! xxx
Ryvita is a good option, lots of savoury ones & they do a sweet version to
i have put on some pounds recently but my bmi is total balls anyways, i am 5foot 3 ish so apparently should be 8 stone? 8 stone.........give me a break i weigh about 11 stone now so that makes me overweight in the doctors eyes? Yet I am a size 12 bottom 10 top? Even MW looked at me and said it was daft, as long as you are healthly ! x
Yeah - i dont like BMI - im 5ft and apparently i should be between 7.5 and 8.5 stone - if i went down that low id look positively ill. Im usually some where around the 9.5 mark - sometimes up to 10. But im a size 10/12 - i only get worried when i have start struggling to get into my jeans.

Although obviously that doesnt work just now. lol

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