Ahh it's a vicious circle!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2012
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I'm feeling so full from my dinner still I feel bloated and sick, but at the same time I think my body wants me to eat tea cos I'm getting headaches dizzy n light headed! I forced myself to make tea altho all the way thru I felt sick.. And then took one bite n thru up everywhere, tried getting a snack instead but still sick.. still feeling lightheaded tho so I know I need to eat just can't kep it down.. Any advice? X
I tried ginger biscuits today for the first time & honestly feel better after then. Only problem is I can see me eating the whole packet just to get me through work hehe!! I hope you find something that works for you xxx
I tended to drink a lot of iced water to help with the nausea and stuff. Helped me just sipping it as if I ate or drank "too much" I felt worse. Xxx
Thanks :) I'll try both, it's gone today lol but I'll keep them in mind.. Xx
Strachy things like bread, crackers, wotsits, quavers helped me a lot.
Also ice pops or lolly ices where good.
Try the sickness bands (about £9 from Boots), I swore by them x
I had some of them with my last pregnancy, they didnt really work for me but ill have to dig them
Out incase thanks x
Ice cold ginger ale and tuck crackers. I keep them by my bed at all times and in my work bag :)

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