Fastest recovery - natural or D&C?


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2012
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It's decision time, what do I do? My body isn't recognising I've miscarried. I don't fancy the idea of surgery but for the last week I've been feeling terrified every time I've been to the loo in case of bleeding. I don't think I can face passing the tissue as I have done both other times. So I'm thinking along the surgery lines. I can't decide.
Ultimately, I want the least risk and the fastest recovery, anyone have any advice? Xx
I've gone for surgery. Happening Wednesday.
Hi hun can't help with your initial question but I had surgery the other week and the surgery itself was straight forward I was in surgery for about 15 min and recovery for half hour then back to my room, I felt a bit groggy but other than that wasn't in pain or anything, after the surgery I had period like bleeding but nothing heavy. ( my situation was different but hope it reassures you as little) I did read after surgery people are usually well enough to go to work the day after too x
Sorry for your loss x x
Thank you. I just want to get back to normal as quickly as possible, so that's good to hear xx
I opted for surgery this time and it was quick and painless (physically), bled lightly for 4 days and spotted for a further 3. I had mine on the 4th Sept and my AF has arrived today which is an absolute kick in the guts seeing as today was my due date from the baby I lost in April at just over 13 weeks :-(

I'm so sorry for your loss hun, and hope Wednesday goes as well as it can :hugs:
Thank you SCN. I'm sorry to hear that, I remember how I felt on my due dates. This time I wasn't given an official one so I'm not thinking about it. If I can.
Hiya, I have had three miscarriages, first two were natural and third one I decided on erpc as my body wasn't giving up and they said the sac was perfectly round and showing no sign of collapsing so would have been a while before things happened naturally. I wanted it over with, I hated seeing it happen the previous two times. The surgery was very straight forward, went home that night. I did take a few days off work but that was for the emotional side of things really. I had very light spotting at first but after two weeks it did go very heavy-this doesn't seem to be the norm though. After having natural and surgical routes, I would say the surgery took the worry and fear away from each visit to the toilet. Thinking of you xx
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Thank you. My first two were natural too, and I found that traumatic. At the scan this morning absolutely nothing is happening, the sac is round too and she said "not moving down" which I take to mean the start of a miscarriage. Like my previous two, I think if I waited it out then it would start at exactly 11+4 or so. There is NO CHANCE I'm waiting that long when I still feel completely pregnant.
Thanks for the advice ladies and I'm sorry for your losses too. It's so unfair xx
As an aside, the products of conception (as they appear to be called) will be blessed by a hospital chaplain before being disposed of, or a prayer will be said. I found that incredibly comforting. I also found it comforting that there was a butterfly fluttering around the EPU room, which seemed very out of place xx
I went for surgery too had an ERPC on the 6th Sept, as soon as I found out my baby had stopped growing and the pregnancy was no longer viable there was no other choice for me, there was no way i could wait for things to happen naturally. Physically its a very straight forward procedure, everyone was lovely at the hosp where I had my op - i even had my own private room. I only really bled for a couple of days after and stopped taking painkillers the next day. I got my AF on Monday just gone just over 3 weeks after which I thought was pretty early.
Emotionally of course its a different matter as you know, its such a hard time. I wish you all the best, hope it goes well xx
I had the surgery after my late mmc, althougth it had to be done as was mmc naturslly while waiting for d and c and bleedingvwas not stopping, body was confused. In the end it worked out better i think. I got straight out of limbo labd , and just 26 days later i got my next af

Good luck hun, im so sorry this is happenening to you xx
Thank you for your replies :)
I went for ERPC, for a number of reasons. For the recovery part - absolutely the best choice but for the "drama" side of it, it seemed almost a bit much. I had to go into hospital the night before, be knocked out, walked around attached to a drip... I'm not really a hospital fan. The other thing was that the ward was next to the labour ward. I'm not sure what I would do if there was a next time, neither are easy options really.
It seems there was more than enough "tissue" left to send off for analysis. The baby had not shrunk (but not grown either) and the sac and everything were completely intact. Apparently.
So, we move on and we try again. This isn't going to beat me xx
Glad your doing ok, I'm shocked that you was next to Labour ward, I was on gyne ward. Fingers crossed there isn't a next time. X
I was on gynae ward but it was next door to the labour ward. The other girls on the ward heard someone giving birth, luckily I slept through it! X

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