FAO 11 month old babies!


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2005
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Hi girls

I know a few of you have 11 month olds at the min and I was wondering what they can do, crawl, walk, talk, eating etc.

Reason for the question is I am taking Ellis on Holiday next june when he will be 11 months I just wondered what stage he will be at.

braydon at 11 months old was walking really well using a walker etc
was crawling pulling him self up etc and talking well
Aimee is 10 and a half months and is in to everything. She can get around really fast and tries to pull herself up on everything. She will eat most things now and is great with finger foods and lumps. She is just started trying to talk and is getting a few words out. He may well be walking or trying to walk at that age too. My eldest was walking then but Aimee is happy on the floor yet.
Lydia was crawling very well and pulling herself up and walking around with her walker and holding onto things (she started walking properly at 1 year 2 weeks).

She could say...well the same stuff she can say now:

baby, dad, duck, mama, hello, ribbit, woof, eeyore.

She could eat pretty much everything (like now) as long as it's in Lydia-sized mouthfulls - (not honey though or nuts or too much salt of course).

She could finger feed very well also. (pretty useless with a spoon so far though haha - she aims for her mouth but nothing really goes in).
arrr bless them all.... so looks like i will have a little handful on my hands hehe.

I am so excited.

Aaron at 11 months was walking properly, crawling from 7 months and standing up by himself. He was eating pretty much everything and not talking very much except mumma and dada.

yes Elliott is much the same, crawling very fast, pulling himself up on everything, yanking, poking, pulling, opening, pushing and throwing everything he can get his little hands on! Our front room looks like a soft play area! The main thing we have to think about when we go places is to think of things to amuse him without causing destruction to non-babyproofed areas. He yells if he's contained in a highchair, car seat or pushchair too long although carrying him seems to be ok as long as we're moving somewhere and seeing new things. It's great actually and loads of fun but I end up making lots of diving tackles when we're round other people's houses. I have a playden/playpen in the front room and it's totally brilliant, he likes being in it (for short periods) and I know he's safe enough in there for me to be able to go to the loo, make a cup of tea etc. If I have to phone someone and have a sensible conversation I also put him in there and sit next to it otherwise I end up going "no, not that", "Come here love", "please don't yank the phone cord" every few minutes! Lol!

haha Elliott sounds loads of fun!!!

I am worried now as we are going on a coach and will be sat on it for about 24 hours!!!!! haha, i guess i'll be chasing him up and down the isle!!

Maddie at 11 months was walking really well on her own, eating pretty lumpy solid food, not doing much talking but still pretty noisy, and definitely in need of plenty of stimulatin - she gets bored really quickly!

Got quite a strong mind of her own sometimes as well - especially during meal times LOL

Well we just had a oliday with Noah being 11 months, and it went great. we were on a boat that we hired, he entertained himself down below, and crawled round and walked holding on to things. You will want to be carefull that wherever your staying is pretty baby proof. We went out to dinner everynight, and Noah just sat in a high chair and ate finger foods while we ate and was really well behaved.
rrr glad you have a good holiday cat xxx

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