I guess everyone posting in here could probably use a wee break from thinking about TTC, so... Who would you invite to your fantasy dinner part and why? You can have anyone, dead or alive, real or fictitious! I'd pick:
*Brett Easton Ellis. I love his books, I'd like to ask him where he gets his ideas from and I'd ask that in return for the dinner invite, he include me in his next novel
*Johann Hari. I know it turned out he'd plagiarised some of his work, but he's still an incredible journalist and an interesting, intelligent, passionate guy
*Jim Morrison. He was *so* beautiful and I love The Doors
*my grandma. She died 13 years ago and I'd love to tell her all about what's happened since then and ask her all the questions I never bothered to
*David Cameron. Because I've never punched anyone in the face and I suspect David Cameron has never been punched in the face
*Liz Jones. Because I'd like to tell her that absolutely everything she believes is wrong and ask her why, despite reputedly being a woman, she hates women so very much.
*Brett Easton Ellis. I love his books, I'd like to ask him where he gets his ideas from and I'd ask that in return for the dinner invite, he include me in his next novel
*Johann Hari. I know it turned out he'd plagiarised some of his work, but he's still an incredible journalist and an interesting, intelligent, passionate guy
*Jim Morrison. He was *so* beautiful and I love The Doors
*my grandma. She died 13 years ago and I'd love to tell her all about what's happened since then and ask her all the questions I never bothered to
*David Cameron. Because I've never punched anyone in the face and I suspect David Cameron has never been punched in the face
*Liz Jones. Because I'd like to tell her that absolutely everything she believes is wrong and ask her why, despite reputedly being a woman, she hates women so very much.