Fallen Down The Stairs..


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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..I've just fallen down the stairs (about 5 steps) but landed on my hands and knees. Luckily I was carrying a load of washing down the stairs which broke my fall and I didn't hurt the bump.

Do you think everything will be ok? I haven't got any pains or anything :think: xx
Ouch, are you okay? :( I think everything should be fine if nothing hurts, but I would call your midwife at the slightest feeling of pain. You won't be annoying!
I fell downstairs about at about 32 weeks.

I went to hospital and they monitored me for a couple of hours . Everything was ok

If you are worried go and get checked
Evie is very protected in there, i don't think any harm would have come to her at all, but if you are worried in anyway i would call your midwife, you can never be too sure.

I suggest taking the washing down on your bum in future.....lol, or shouting someone else to carry it for you.
aaawww Dannii :hug:

Monitor if you get any pains. And babies movements. If you get worried at all, get checked out :hug:
Oh Dannii that sounds horrible :( Hope you are ok, Evie is probably fine though if you arent having any pains i would have thought.. x
Thanks girls! She hasn't moved yet but then again it didn't happen that long ago :think: As my hands and knees took the brunt of the fall I'll let this one slip unless I get any pains...

(Oh! She's wriggling so I feel ok now!)

awww bless you hunni

im glad she is wriggling about again for you :dance:
Hi Danni,

Hope everything is ok. I know your situation at home can be difficult but it reallly is important that you put yourself first. This would mean getting someone else to carry the washing down the stairs. No chance of getting your little brother to do it? :roll:
Aww Siany! Thanks for remembering, I think it's really sweet when people remember things we've said :hug: Thank you.

No chance I'm afraid :roll: He's at my Dad's.

Oh Dannii you be careful in future hun :hug: us women just have too much to do don't we!!

It is a good sign she is wriggling about now but if you get worried at all just phone the hospital. Evie is very cushioned in there though. She probably didn't even notice anything had happened. Too busy snoozing probably... lucky wee thing! :lol:
Can't see where you are putting your feet with that big bump?? :lol:
Oh No!!! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I'm sure if you landed on your hands and knees you'll be fine-just keep an eye on things!
Glad to hear Evie is wiggling for you, I'm sure that means she is fine :D Hope you're ok though, you be careful in future, lady!!!!! No more carrying washing for you, I advise you throw it all down the stairs in front of you :D
ouch, thats scary when ur pregnant, although im sure no harm has been made to ur little girl.
it was a shock and i had an incedient where i had a shock in my tummy but LO is fine. if baby moves fine in the next 24 hours then don't worry :hug:
be careful next time remember ur pregnant :rotfl:
Not quite the same but I was pushed over when I was pregnant (I was working in a pub and a fight kicked off and I got pushed over a load of bar stools) and because I'm rhesus negative I went to the hospital and they gave me emergency anti-D. Not sure if you are rhesus negative or not but just wanted to say anyway cos if you are you should probably get checked out regardless.

Glad you are ok though! x
:hug: I did the same when I was about 10 weeks and then again further on! I'm just clumsy though! The first time it was a little scary as I hadn't ever felt abby move so I had no way of knowing she was ok. Both times I managed to avoid landing on my belly though! I sprained an ankle trying not to fall forward!!

I'm sure Evie is just fine - they are well padded! But if you have any worries or funny pains then make sure you get checked out!
Hope you are ok - if you've felt movements I'm sure all is fine.xxx
:hug: I fell down the stairs at 35 weeks and went to the hospital just in case. Everything was fine though

I'm sure you're fine but call them if you are worried :hug:

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