fake tan


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2007
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I use to be a sunbed queen before i got pregnant but now due to not having the time and knowing full well that they're dangerous im guna invest in some fake tan.

whats the best stuff? i only have one experience of using fake tan and it looked like somebody had painted me with a tea bag!

Any advice on brands that really dont streak?
I use Johnsons holiday skin and it doesn't streak and my skin always goes a nice golden colour. And it's cheap :D
I used L'Oreal Sublime Glow, it was okay but you have to rub it in well.
to be honest i use the cheapest brand of fake tan known to man... im am not embarased to admit this, its only 89p from home and bargain its called expose, it is applied as a mousse!!!
i used to spend fortunes on st tropez and fake bake also salon sprays but ive found this fake tan to be the best by way of applying and lasting an on my pocket. i just use vinyl or latex gloves to avoid tango hands.

haha passionate subject for me :dance:
I use the garnier spray, you have to apply quite a light though as its a very light colour - great for those with pasty skin!
Ive got the johnsons holiday skin one which is good but it does give you tango hands and its a little streaky! Is the one from home and bargin (i love that shop by the way!) streaky? Is it quiet a dark fake tan? Ive got fair skin and my hairs practically white so i wouldnt wanna look like an umpa-lumpa!
Did you see "How to look good naked" the other night, they tested fake tans on 100 women, have a read http://www.channel4.com/life/microsites ... lftan.html the best one came out as the high street cheapy Garnier Ambre Solaire No Streaks Bronzer which I think was a spray. No personal recommendations but the results looked good!!
I usually use fake bake or st tropaz but have recently been using the babylis beach bronzer spray tan thing and buying a a different liquid to go in it as I don't like the product that comes with it and I have found it to be great. I get a nice dark tan that takes less then half an hour and last atleast a week. xxxx
Sage said:
Ive got the johnsons holiday skin one which is good but it does give you tango hands and its a little streaky! Is the one from home and bargin (i love that shop by the way!) streaky? Is it quiet a dark fake tan? Ive got fair skin and my hairs practically white so i wouldnt wanna look like an umpa-lumpa!

no to be honest you just exfoliate as usual and apply, Im quite fair skinned and freckly and it looks okay I only use one layer of it for a glow,
HOME AND BARGAIN... best shop ever i buy tat all day in there haha.
i usually use St tropez.. or piz buin..

but for some reason it looks awfall on me resently. patchy and comes off in diff area, i'm moisturising and exfoliating?

it wont come off in the areas i want it to?

so i'm going to stay pale.. i give up lol..

but they normally work fantastic for me . xx
charlotteheys85 said:
i usually use St tropez.. or piz buin..

but for some reason it looks awfall on me resently. patchy and comes off in diff area, i'm moisturising and exfoliating?

it wont come off in the areas i want it to?

so i'm going to stay pale.. i give up lol..

but they normally work fantastic for me . xx

Fake tan didn't take to my skin as well as normal while I was pregnant either I fink its just hormones hun. xxxxx
not gloating... well i am :wink:
but my fake tan is looking better than ever must be "glowing" hahhaaaaaa sorry guys had to crack that joke. no seriously it is working better.

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