

Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2009
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I know all the info about lying on your left side etc but I fainted on thursday and put it down to not eating for the glucose tollerance test, but I just had a near faint again. I was sitting on a chair in the office paying bills etc and had just finished my sandwich (11.45 but I was hungry for lunch so I made it) It came over me so suddenly I was really shocked so I went to lie (on my left side) on the bed. Im home alone and was worried Id hurt myself if i fainted anywhere else.

I didnt actually faint but 20 mins later Im still feeling quite light headed. Im wondering if this is anything to do with blood sugars and gestational diabetes. I was supposed to get my results yesterday afternoon but when I rang I was told someone would ring me back and noone did. Now the clinics closed til monday :roll:

anyone else fainting?
yeah my BP has always been well within normal range with midwife. I suppose it might be suddenly changing on a short term basis. I wish Id had the results to the glucose tollerance test now, im wondering whether my blood sugars are crashing, I was hungry before it happened and had eaten but not for long enough to get blood sugars back up.
that could have had something to do with it then, it's really bad they said someone would call you and then didn't!
who do you ring on a saturday for advice? I think its only the ward open but I dont want to block the lines and a midwifes time over fainting when someone in labour might be trying to get through! On a week day Id ring antenatal clinic or my midwife.
Have you had your 28week bloods done for iron levels? Could be your aneamic? Iv never rally had fainting i just go light headed so i cant really help but i hope you find out a reason for it soon! x
to be honest I would probably still ring the ward - I know what you mean about not wanting to block the line, but if you're going to faint then it's just as important that you get through and get it sorted! At the very least they could tell you who else you should ring if they're not the right ones
ooh I didnt think of anaemia, had the bloods taken monday at my 28 week antenatal check. Any of you guys know how long those results take? With all this diabetes stuff going on Id completely forgotten Id even had the test!!!
I've had dizzy spells hun but not actually any of the fainting, and tbh I've not brought it up to the mw as I wasn't that worried about it (as I've had it in the past anyway so notice a few symptoms) and I know it can occur in pregnancies.
If you are worried about it hun or want some advice I'd phone up the ward, they are always happy to help and anytime in the past when I've said to the mw I was worried and it was late at night or over the weekend, she said I shouldn't think twice about ringing the ward. That is what they are there for.
Hope you feel better soon hun. Get some more rest sounds like you need it.
Is your OH contactable? xx
i think its a week so id ring them monday. here they dont tell you them till you next midwfie appt as i didnt get told mine till then. x
Were you feeling sweaty and clammy as well hun, normally when blood sugars are low you can feel faint/actually faint. I had hypoglaecaemia last pg and it was awful :( I had to monitor my blood sugars 4 times a day or if I had a 'hypo attack'.

The advice my Endocrhrinologist gave me was as soon as I felt faint/dizzy/sweaty, to eat a bar of chocolate and wash it down with full fat coke; then give it 5 minutes and eat a banana and a sandwich with protein in it. I quickly had to learn to carry coke and chocolate in my bag as it could happen anywhere :(

It could also be anaemia, are you feeling tired in general? Again it is very common for iron levels to fall at this time for some reason.

Hope you're feeling ok soon hun xx
^^ thats exactly how I was feeling, like a really sudden cold sweat with it and almost gonna be sick or faint. Ive had a banana and a lamb sandwich so Im doing pretty good. Normally Ihave a snack around half 10 and I didnt today, and was hungry for my lunch early so that fits in.

Good excuse to carry choc around! Ive been trying not to eat as much sugary stuff cos of this diabetes thingy but maybe Im the other way now. If it happens agian this afternoon Ill ring the ward. Ive got 3 bananas left to keep me going through the afternoon. Im supposed to be out tonight at a dim sum bar and im sooo looking forward to it cos its been so long, I really dont want to have to cancel!
Keep your sugar levels even hun and it shouldn't dip :hug:
i had my blood tests results a few days ago an because they very low for my iron they rang me as soon as they got them. havent fainted yet but so close to it cos im that tired an warm and my body aches alot an i had white/silver spots movign about that cud be another sign if uve been getting them hun. hope ur blood tests come back ok for you x
Hope your feeling better honey and have managed to go out seen as you've been looking forward to it. Just thought i'd say i've had quite a bit of what mamafy describes all the way through, sometimes i am sick with it, have hot and cold sweats and go all weak and have to sit down before i pass out. I mentioned it to the midwife, but I suffer from low blood pressure and blood sugar levels are known to dip so she just said to be careful and keep an eye on it. As long as I eat properly and get plenty of rest i'm generally ok xx
Oh Tiny, I hope you get some answers for this very soon and you don't faint again, I would find that frightening too xx
yeah I did get to go out, and I had a fab time :) had some non-alcoholic cocktails so no chance of my blood sugars dipping last night!!

Im being more careful today recognising that weak wobbly feeling early on, stayed in bed a bit too long and got a bit wobbly but fine after I ate. Katie its good to hear someone else has it too, makes me feel more normal! lol.
Eat little and often if thats what will keep your blood sugars stable :)

When do you get your GTT results?
2 days ago :roll: gonna ring them monday again and ask what my levels were exactly. They'll be looking for raised levels but I wanna know if they were low.

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