Faint line on OPK - what does this mean?


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2007
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Im not due to ovulate til Thursday coming but I started testing today just incase and I had a faint line. I know that the instructions say that If the line isnt as strong as the control line then the test is negative, but Ive never had a line as strong as the control line after all the times Ive tested. I dont usually get a line at all until the day I expect to ovulate.

I really hope Im not about to ovulate early cos my OH has been drinking all day, bloody Man Utd! :wall: I am going to drive myself crazy TTC - I have felt so depressed today. I cant miss another months opportunity! :cry:
i wouldnt worry about it hun, some people can have a faint line all through their cycle and others will have a faint line days before and after ovulation!

Good Luck when the time comes :hug:
If you don't normally have any line - then you may be due to ovulate in the next couple of days. Or it may just be a freak result as the level of the hormone goes up and down all the time. But I wouldn't say you needed to bd today - maybe tomorrow and the next couple of days would be best

good luck :cheer:
Thanks ladies, I really hope I havent missed it, my BBT has gone up aswell, but not really high. Ill test again tomorrow and pray that I get a similar result for if there is no line tomorrow Ill be so disappointed.
I wouldn't worry to much, just do a test again tomorrow as you've said you will. I've used opk's for the last couple of months and found I get a faint line that gradually gets stronger over a few days. As the others have said your probably still a few days off :hug:
mrs_metal said:
I wouldn't worry to much, just do a test again tomorrow as you've said you will. I've used opk's for the last couple of months and found I get a faint line that gradually gets stronger over a few days. As the others have said your probably still a few days off :hug:

Thanks so much. I have been driving myself mad over the last few days about the whole TTC thing, this was just my final straw. Im so worried that me or my OH have a fertility problem, OH has agreed to come to the Docs with me in Jan though if we dont conceive this month. I just dont want to have to go! I want to make the most of every opportunity this month. I dont want to face the fact there is possibly something wrong.
Fingers crossed then that this will be your month :hug:

Make sure you jump on him every couple of days for the next week or so and you'll definitely be in with a good chance :lol:
mrs_metal said:
Fingers crossed then that this will be your month :hug:

Make sure you jump on him every couple of days for the next week or so and you'll definitely be in with a good chance :lol:

Ooh I will! Im going to ban alcohol from the house this week! I have pre-xmas visitors twice this week, on bloody Tues and Weds - my most likely days!! Im going to have to jump him before they arrive! :lol:

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