Eye Clinic


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2005
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Health Visitor referred Phoebe to the hospital eye clinic as she thinks she has a squint.

Got the appointment through and it's for tomorrow :shock:

Just really hoping all is ok or what ever is wrong can be put right without surgery :(
Thanks for all your replies :rotfl:

Just got back.

Ortoptist said there doesn't seem to be any thing wrong with her eye. Stupid HV again making me worry. :evil:

Got to go back in 14mths so that they can do a more detailed test with picture cards etc but other than that all is fine :lol:
grrr arent HV annoying sometimes?! make you worry for nothing!

Glad Phoebe is ok! :D
sorry bubble missed that post - glad all was ok, my hv asked me if there was a history of squints in the family and tom has one. so she refered me with out asking to the hospital - i cancelled the appointment.
i don't like being sent to things with out my constent.

Tom has a squint at the age of 3? he was booked in for surgery and the day of the op the squint moved to the other eye, so he never had surgery and his mum refused to let him have any ops he is fine now.

He found out later that alot of kid who have had squints have had an op but later had to go in again as the area stretches as the grown so the squint comes back.
exactly what happened with alex hun! was our doc who reffered us but i didnt mind as he handled it well and just explained that he was sure it would turn out to be nothing but he wanted to be sure as these things can often be sorted with excersies.

glad all was ok. was just about to post asking you & sami how thingns went for you both today.

heres to our non squinty eyed babies :clap: :rotfl:

I missed this too!! Must have been in feint type lol.

I didn't think by looking at her pics that there was anything wrong with her eyes, bloody stupid hv's!! :D
I just thought I'd ignore you :wink: seriously though, I missed it. I spend too much time in the TTC area now :oops:

Glad she's all okie, like we knew she would be! :D
Sorry Bubble, thought I'd replied in here but obviously not :oops:

But I did say that she looked perfectly beautiful in the pics thread :D Glad she got on well :D

Glad she is okay i oly go into these sections a few times a week sorry i missed it.

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