EXTREEM tiredness! Help!!!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2011
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Hey everyone, hope ur all well...

Just after some advise or tips if any!

I have been tired all through pg but yesterdy was something else, I was aching all over, so so sleepy I couldnt even mange to move by 6pm! Luckly I had the evening off so was chilling on the sofa but I had to go to bed at 8, asleep by 9 and woke 11 hours later! Im starting to feel it again all ready!

Is anyone esle this bad and knows what helps?

I am self employed mobile beuty therapist and working 6 days a week averaging 10 hour days so work doesnt help but thats how its been for years so I am used to the hours, but this tiredness is making my working day a chore which isnt like me!

Thanks lovelies xx
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I have heard herbal tea is relaxing(i cant drink it cant stand the taste) I have been having hot milky drinks before bed. How far along are you?
8 weeks, I need energy! Im way too relaxed!!!!x
Well docs told me that exercising can often increase your energy levels. Is this your first? Luckily the tiredness doesnt last too long. With my last 2 i seemed to have bundles of energy from 14 weeks. x
I too am extremely tired! I can't find anything to help it! Glad it doesn't last long but really feeling it at the moment! If I do find a miracle cure I'll let you know ;)
I'm feeling tired today too. I had been worried so far at the amount of energy I had but slowly I have been feeling more tired each day.

I don't have any tips though. I am relishing it a little bit to be honest because it means something is happening!
Excersise if you can bring yourself to do any seems to help I am mostly comatose in tiredness but have.more energy if have shirt 3-4 hr maps rather than one big sleep obviously with work this is impracticle but days off yes thank you also I found eating lots of fruit and veg and protien foods and small snacks thru day instead of big meals. X
I'm still suffering with bad tiredness, although I get odd days when I have a little more energy than others. Was hoping I would be feeling much more energetic by now, but still knackered every afternoon! Haven't really found anything that works for me I'm afraid :(
Hi ladies im the same and i went to GP for iron tablets as my iron being low made me really tired/no energy in last 2 pregnancies,

Hope you find something to help, my only advice would be sleep while you can lol xx
I am not yet feeling the tiredness but it is still early days, maybe try a little fresh air or drnking ice cold water to try and wake you up a little, being warm will make you feel even worse. xxx
I didnt think that id reached the tierd stage yet but considering iv had a 3 hour power nap this afternoon i fear it is slowly creaping up on me :) xx
like jojo said - it could be ur iron levels - maybe worth getting checked out.

Are you eating properly - when my nausea was really bad i wasnt eating much and found i was knackered into the bargain - now im eatting better it seems to have improved a bit.


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