Expressing ... how much?


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2010
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I'm about to embark on expressing for the first time so that I can get a stock of milk in the freezer. How much should I expect to express each time? I have no idea how much would be considered the 'average' amount! Thanks xx
It totally varies and can depend on time of day too. On average I get about 4oz per boob in the mornings if I'm really full it can be more, or less as the day goes on. Don't worry if you get less as everyone is different. What pump are you using? Some are better than others. Good luck! X
Mine really varies depending on time if day etc - generally I can get about 100ml from one boob if it's fairly full. If you want to increase your supply try expressing all that's left after every bf and that will trick your body into making more milk. Good luck!
I do it about an hour after final feed of the day and normally only get about 50ml but if I've got full boobs over night and G only takes one then I can get up to 140ml from the other side. Totally depends on your supply but I like having my store of milk in the freezer-feels like a safety blanket :)
I feed him off one side in the morning then express the other and usually get 5oz (150ml).

I put 3oz in a bottle and use that in the evening before his last breastfeed to top him up.

Then just before bed I express again and usually get 3oz. I mix it with the remaining 2oz from the morning session, label it and put in the freezer for milk donation. I'm going to stop donating next month though so I can stockpile for when he goes to nursery.
Totally varies! Sofia has 9ozs in the evening and i have to try and make that! It takes a few attempts. But it does happen. X
Do you feed her yourself flexi too at the final feed?

I tried Blake with 4oz last night but he wouldn't take it. Only took about 2. But then fed off me for 15 mins. It's definitely working though as he is still asleep from 7pm last night. I really should've tried it sooner!
George normally has about 4oz expressed and then a feed off me for about another 20-30mins - mostly its comfort sucking but it gets him off to sleep so I'm sticking with it at the moment.

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