Quickie question.. Latching on, Expressing, ASAP replies please :)


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2010
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Ok so baby wants to feed but once she gets my nipple in her mouth she forgets the sucking part and just drops it, and gets all frustrated cause she is hungry.. So i was told by the nurse to express every two hours and give it her in a syringe after trying first each time to latch her..

Question time..

How can i try and get her to latch properly?
How do I know she is latched and getting milk?

How much (mls) should she be getting every two hours?

The midwife said "Just give her what you can get.." well i got a lot.. but im not gonna sit and hand express it all LOL

How can i try and speed up hand expressing?

Thanks girls
Don't worry, Oscar was the same and wouldn't latch for about 20 hrs after birth. Apparently lots if skin to skin helps and I was told to strip him down and put him under my nightie whilst trying to feed. He decided for himself whento go for it. After a long birth she might just be too exhausted to latch just yet.
When I hand experssedi just put the heel of my hand over the top part and pushed down and it was like a fountain. Don't know if that helps any. X
my midwife said 1-2oz every 2 hours is brill if shes breastfed... i didnt get any milk in until 8 days, so bottle fed her from day 4 cos allthough midwife said she was getting enough, just, she was screaming a "some ones just been murdered" scream and i didnt want to not to be gettin enough, at this point she was getting a drop or 5 (literally that was it) out of me in 15mins,

i found it easier to get some out when my boobs were warm, in the bath or a really hot flannel on them,

good luck huni

Toby didn't feed much after he was born, and they didn't want me to leave the hospital despite the fact that he seemed fine and I wasn't too worried about the feeding after feeding Sam... I'd just keep trying as often as you can - make sure her mouth is as wide open as possible before you try to put her on. I used t stroke their lips downwards with the nipple to make them open their mouths. With Sam I made the mistake of shoving it in as soon as it was slightly open but he'd just end up sucking on the nipple which was painful and didn't result in him getting much milk, so it's best to keep going until it's really wide open!

I've never had much luck with hand expressing though, sorry - I did try when Sam was first born but it's so hard to get anything before your milk comes in - I was seriously getting about half a teaspoon in the hospital! Hope things get easier for you soon...and congratulations!! :yay:
Gave up with handexpressing and had my mum bring in my manual pump.. im now getting 80mls in half an hour with that! Muhaha.. Certainly helped things along heh, theres still colostrum through the milk as its still got that yellow thinge, but the milk is flowing well..

Only problem now is that she will feed on one boob for maybe 10 minutes.. then fall asleep and aint interested again for another 4 hours.. Now i know im making more milk than before..but surely that aint enough for her!?

Oh and i have to express the left one a bit before puttin her on it, or its too hard, she hates the left boob lol.

Oh.. and she wont burp either :wall:
breastfeeding babies rarely really need to burp hun if she likes one side more thanother try the rugby ball hold so she doesnt realise she not on her fav side im not one for advice other than that as i dont solely bf but go to the breastfeeding cafe at your maternity unit or surestart centre they are fab with alot of people there to help
until Tegan was 4 weeks old she wouldn't latch on my left Boob so to keep my supply up i just kept on expressing it she is now 8 weeks old and doesn't care which Boob she has lol you'll get there Hun x
breastfeeding babies rarely really need to burp hun if she likes one side more thanother try the rugby ball hold so she doesnt realise she not on her fav side im not one for advice other than that as i dont solely bf but go to the breastfeeding cafe at your maternity unit or surestart centre they are fab with alot of people there to help

Yeah thats what the midwife said (Re:Burping) Its just that she spits up a lot in her cot.. and i just always thought thats because there was air trapped under the milk so they have to spit up a little to get rid of it? Also.. she gives lots of gassy smiles.. I do bicycle legs.. and tummy rubs (as well as i can with her clip still on) but nothin ..

Ive been doing the rugby ball hold anyway, cause I had the section its the most comfortable for me to not have her across my tummy, and i dont have to support her whole weight, can lean her on a pillow and just suppord her shoulders and head.. But she still knows the difference Lol

Not sure there is a breastfeeding cafe here.. is there a place that lists them? Would be nice to goto one..

My favorite midwife is on shift tonight again, so will ask her what she thinks.. The one on during the day today said she is probably still getting lots of milk, as babies are better at getting it out of the boob than pumps are.. and she has seen how much i get when pumping so isnt worried, also lots of fully dirty nappies! (gross, Had my first exploding one overnight, she was soo good, didnt scream just grumbled, she is lucky i was half awake anyway and heard her Lol, poor thing, all up her back :( )

I try at each feed to put her on the left after ive expressed a little to take some of the pressure out of it.. and will keep doing that, if she doesnt take it then i put her on the right and just express the left while she is feedin so they are both gettin equal usage kinda thing lol

Havent been leaking though.. super weird! Lol

Thanks girls, and if you know anything to ease that first minute or so of pain before they get their rythm sorted... please do tell me !
There are some really good videos on YouTube to show you how you can tell if baby is getting milk. x

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