Expressing help needed


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2008
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Baby is now 3 months and I feel it is the right time to start leaving him occasionally - partly for a break to be honest and partly to prepare to go back to work. I've tried expressing after a feed and only get 1 oz at the most. If I express in between feeds or just before a feed I can express more but then I end up giving it to baby nearly straight away as he isn't full after a breast feed! He takes the bottle fine but I really don't want to use formula if I can help it.

So, my question is - when do you think would be the best time to express to a) get enough milk and b) still have enough milk to breast feed at the next feeding time!

Thanks in advance for any replies.
The best time to express for most people is first thing in the morning, but I know it can be hard if baby wants feeding too.
Remember to drink plenty, and don't worry, even if you have expressed and your boobs feel empty, baby will still be able to get milk out, they are far more efficient than a pump.

I also found having a bath or a shower first helped me find more milk. If you express a few times a day at convenient times it all adds up :)
Thanks for replying. I've tried a few times today and managed about 4 oz - although that's over three attempts. I'm hoping it will get easier with practice otherwise it's so time consuming I think i'd rather not bother going out!!

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