expressing before 6 weeks?


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2011
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Just wondering what the negatives are for expressing and introducing the bottle before 6 weeks? Is it just the nipple confusion thing? Hes feeding well on the boob but the relentlessNess of it is really getting to me. I can carry on breast feeding physically but not sure how much longer I can continue to exclusively breast feed mentally! I'm crying most days especially as he doesn't sleep well and i'm exhausted.
I expressed milk right from beginning with my 2, mainly because i over produce milk. Neither of my 2 got nipple confusion so that was a plus side. You can get closer to nature bottles and teats which are good. Do what feels best for you. If you think expressing some will let you have a break while oh feeds then i would say go for it xx
Hey hun, I'm not sure of the 'technical' reasons for not expressing before 6 weeks apart from confusion! But I waited and now have the opposite where LO won't take a bottle at all and she's 10 weeks! A few people at a group I go to have the same issue! So baby gets so used to boobie that they won't bottle feed!

There's also a couple of ladies at my group who introduced bottle early and baby will happily swap between the two with no confusion!

I wish I'd introduced expressed earlier now...but this is just my experience and you have to do what you feel is right for you and baby :)

HTH xxx

Sent from my nearly buggared iPhone!!
Hey hun, I'm not sure of the 'technical' reasons for not expressing before 6 weeks apart from confusion! But I waited and now have the opposite where LO won't take a bottle at all and she's 10 weeks! A few people at a group I go to have the same issue! So baby gets so used to boobie that they won't bottle feed!

There's also a couple of ladies at my group who introduced bottle early and baby will happily swap between the two with no confusion!

I wish I'd introduced expressed earlier now...but this is just my experience and you have to do what you feel is right for you and baby :)

HTH xxx

Sent from my nearly buggared iPhone!!

Yeah MW's tell you about nipple confusion but i found that because i introduced the bottle early that my babies were fine with it. Suppose it all depends on the child x
I'm sure there was someone on here who expressed early a LOT and ended up with mastitis and had to give up?

I expressed at around 3 weeks. Lo went between the 2 fine un til about 11 weeks where he refused bottle x
I've expressed from about 3 weeks. Not every day, just now and then so my boobs get a break. Alice has been fine with both and not got confused at all. Just go with what you think is best for your baby, they are all different x
Tbh if you've been successfully feeding for a month now then I wouldn't be too worried about nipple confusion - bfing is established. Obviously it depends how many bottles you're planning on offering - I just did one in the evenings in the middle of when he used to cluster feed to get a break so he was having 8/9 feeds from me for every one bottle so maintaining bfing wasnt a worry.
One of the other reasons they suggest not expressing too early is so you dont over stimulate your milk production and cause yourself issues. So dont express too much.
I started expressing at 4 weeks and did it every morning til about 5 months. he had his dream feed from OH ina bottle (dr browns anti colic bottle) at about 10ish which meant I could try and get a few hours sleep

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