Expensive Month


Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2007
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god i just realised how expensive march is guna be... mothers day, my nephews bday, tamerons bday, my best friends bday well 26th of feb but still gta save up lool... jesus not long after OH bday n christmas aswell how am i guna cope :shock:
rob a bank?

I hate february as my car always needs a service :roll:
tell me about it! Got mil bday on the first, mothers day on the 2nd, my mams bday on the 7th,my nains bday on the 10th. Baby born somewhere in between plus best friends bday.
I know! And April won't be any better as my car tax and MOT are up. I just hope I can sell my car before the MOT. Lol. Not that she's in that bad a condition, just bound to need something done!

I have a huge family (1 brother 4 half brothers 2 half sisters and 2 step brothers). All apart from one of them have 2 or more children each and the birthdays seem to start now and never stop! lol.

And all this just after xmas and my OH's bday! AGGGGGHHH
I'm one of 8 kids and my sis had 6 kids and my other sis has 8 kids but thank god we don't buy for them just send cards
feb is our worst month its my mothers bday on the 12 valentines day on the 14th hubbys lil bro bday on the 17th my BIL bday on the 18th and my bday on the 19th lol
manda xx

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