

Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2007
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OMG I have never in my life felt so bloody exhausted.

Whats wrong with me? fair enough this weekend I did some hard graft at our house laying the bathroom floor and a bit of decorating but I had plenty of sleep and rests.

This morning I looked like I've not slept for years and now I just feel so weak and feeble...i could quite easily fall asleep sat up. only 4 hours to go before i can go home to sleep :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep:
Oh you poor thing, I am having a sick day today which is brilliant, I arranged it in advance with my manager, i am also taking one on Thur and two next week - could you cut down your hours a bit - I know i am really starting to find work tough going??
i wish i could but it's not like i have a strenous job. I just sit on my backside most of the day at a computer. I think if i had a more physical job I'd probably feel better cos this sitting about doesn't help!

isn't it odd how some days you feel shit and other you feel great. Today I feel like I'm back in Tri 1...tired, sickly, metallic taste in my mouth...it's like the dreaded m/s all over again! :shock:
I know wht you mean.. for every good day you get 2 sh*t ones! Ive had a cold/congestion head thing on and off for aaaaaaaaagggesss now and its driving me mad as I can't take traditional remedies of course. I've started singing 'just keep breathing..... breathing breathing breathing..' to keep me going lol..

Hope you feel back to normal soon! xx
im ok now ive been bk to bed.. im sooo full of snot went bk to bed to watch the end of trisha.. and only jsut now got up.. could have stayed there longer if my bladder hadnt woke me.. snif snif.. grrr snot!
lisa&alex said:
im ok now ive been bk to bed.. im sooo full of snot went bk to bed to watch the end of trisha.. and only jsut now got up.. could have stayed there longer if my bladder hadnt woke me.. snif snif.. grrr snot!

oh i'm jealous :cry: :shakehead:

i need my bed :sleep:
t it was really comfy.. me and alex sleep in the same bed but have seperate duvets..coz i hog it..so i sleep on top of 2 single duvets to and we have a double each to cover us.. i just slept on top of his to.. so i had 3 duvets under me.. well was sexy as hell.. kipping on a cloud couldnt have been comfier..

sorry to make you jealous.. but i seriously take my hat off to you all working through pregnancy.. you strong women....
i'm hardly working!!! Sitting here staring at the computer, replying to messages!!

But i have got a 2 hour meeting about to start :puke:
grab a weak milky coffee.. i think it might perk you up xx
I just jad a fairly strong black coffee (3/4s tsp) coffee. It was lovely and my first for ages. Thought it might perk me up. Unforunately it hasn't!! :wall:
Get yourself to bed asap, and i recommend a warm bath - it will relax you and help you sleep better. Hot sweet tea too!

Sounds like you overdid it at th weekend, dont overdo it!

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