
Gizzy Kelly

Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2011
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Hi Girls

I have not been on the forum a lot recently mainly because I have not had a lot to say, but also because Neil and I are waiting for our referal for IVF. But I have also been thinking a lot different about things lately. It all came about as we started to think about our summer holiday this year and to make plans. It dawned on me that every year for the last 2 we have put off doing what we want to do as I have always hoped that I would be pregnant. This year I am not doing that anymore. I have always wanted to go to Hong Kong & Australia and this year we are really going to book it for July. If I am pregnant then so be it, but I am so tired of putting things off. We were due to take some time off last year for our honeymoon but we didn't so this year we are going to go for it. I spoke to my boss last week and he is willing to give me the time off. I am for the first time in along while really excited about a new plan (other than the baby plan)and I have really started to chill out. I threw all my OPK's away this weekend, I am not even going to do one even though right now I am probably close to ovulation, no temp taking, no diet, no nothing. :) I enjoyed a great curry on Friday night something I have not done in a long while and this weekend I had a few drinks and did not feel quilty. I am no longer going to let this take over my life.

I feel really really refreshed!!!!! so roll on the next 3 months until we can start a great trip just the 2 of us. If it happens in the meantime great but if not we have something else to look forward to.

Gizmo xxxxx
Good for you gizzy! Ps Hong Kong in July is ABSOLUTELY SWEAT CITY. It is gross, the humidity is ridiculous. Its fab though and oz is amazing too where in oz u going to go to?
Good for you chick, I am dead jealous as I have always wanted to go to Oz!!!
We did the same - we planned a massive holiday that we were meant to go on in a few weeks, but canceled it once we found out we'd been referred and our treatment will start when we were meant to be away!

Don't regret it at all. It's horrible to think you could have been doing something but you're doing nothing. We had to change our plans but we're happy with it.
Hi Gizzy hun,

I think booking your holiday of a lifetime is a very, very good idea and a very positive step - it takes to focus off TTC and gives you something else to look forward to.

Sometimes we get so bogged down with TTC we forget that we even had a life / hopes & dreams before :shock:

Good for you Gizzy, we all need things to look forward too and keep us focused, I never let baby plans put a stop to having a good ol night out with the girls or having a big fat yummy curry, life is what we make it xxx
YAY! Loving the new attitude Gizmo. I'm with you on that, I was so sick of the way I was feeling and I'm much more chilled this month too. No opks and also hardly any bding! And I think you may have inspired me to book New York for November! It's for my mum's 60th, we've put off booking it cos of baby plans but I can't put my life on hold, LIFE IS FOR LIVING! XXX
Girls your all so right! Life is here for living and its so easy to get bogged down in the constant journey for a baby! Im so jealous of you going to Oz Gizzy I spent a year there when I graduated and it was just amazing!

My sisters and i made the decision at the weekend that were going to book our trip to Orlando and Harry Potter world that we have been desperate to go to since it opened but havent due to me and my older sister being ttc. Shes now got a 2 year IVF wait and Ive got a 6 month. We cant afford to go this summer so going next Summer but weve booked a wee pre trip to Harry Potter set in London for this July!

Go girls! Lets take full advantage of life!
Let's face it girls, when WE ALL have our babies we will live for them, so until that time comes let's live for us :)
good for you. very jealous of your trip sounds amazing xxxxxxxxxx
That is fantastic news Gizzy! I echo everyone else's comments life is worth living!! Xx
Hi Gizzy hope you are well. You are so right, we keep talking about every future event in the context of 'what if I'm preg' then ending up not doing things just in case, and then of course im not!! I think we need to enjoy our lives now as well as look forward to when that baby WILL arrive!! Your holiday sounds fabulous, and like you say it's something else to look forward to. We are going to Marrakesh in just over 4 weeks so I know that if I don't ovulate on these meds I have that to look forward to! Glad you're keeping a smile on your face honey xxxx
Loving all this positive talk! I so agree that TTC can take over our lives and we forgot that what we already have is so important and precious.

Well done Gizzy, yes I am guilty of it too, putting plans on hold expecting to be expecting.

yes enjoy this wonderful time with just the two of you, cos when baby does come - your life is then all about them, and you will kick yourself for wasting time, and not doing what you could of, and just wishing for some just two of you time again xxxx
Hi Hun, I thought the same, we planned a cruise and I was so engrossed in preparing for the trip and a week before I went I found out I was pregnant. Prior to this we had been trying for over 2 years!!

Focusing on other things works!! It turned out to be ectopic but gave us hope that we could atleast conceive. This holiday might be your cure.

Have a fab holiday xxx
I think that's a great plan, at the start of this year i decided to start focusing on my career and getting healthy and thinking v little about ttc and had zero expectations re baby - started planning hols for the rest of the year - and then was taken by surprise a few weeks ago.

Enjoy your trip it sounds amazing :)


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