excema and steriod creams ?

Gem & Leland

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2006
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well it seems leland so called heat rash is actually excema :roll: at his jabs today the nurse took one look and called the on call doc in , his arms ahve got really bad there like peeling and his legs ( behind his knees) and his ankles are so sore !

now i feel bad as ive moaned to my hv for ages about these flare ups but she put it down to heat rash , well it does seem to be worse in heat but it looks sooo sore ! feel bad i havent been to doc about it but thought i could rely on my HV !

how does anyone feel about steriod creams ? ive been given Fucidin H cream to use for 2 weeks , if it doesnt clear completely weve got to go back for something different and more long term use :cry:

Ive also got infaderm bubble bath stuff for excema too ? anyone used it ?
Ella has fucidin for when her flareups get bad, it normally clears it within a couple of days (at least drys it out). You need to be careful with using steroid creams long term as they can thin the skin, but sometimes they are needed to clear up the really bad times. She gets it in the summer worse and particularly when using sun cream, it can look like blistering burns!

I don't use any bath products on either of my two as they only aggravate dry skin (still use baby shampoo every 3 days). They get bathed every night in plain water with a sponge/flannel and that still cleans them up fine.

Lush dream cream helps when Ella's skin is dry, it's quite expensive but works really well.

If you use any fabric conditions or bio washing powder then I'd try to stop, I just use tesco non bio, it seems to affect her skin the least.

I'm sure the cream will get it under control soon :hug:
thanks again kina !

he is only bathed in water or water and grapeseed oil anyway so least im doing that right ! and weve been using / trying various moisterisers that have sorted the normal dry skin issues but seems wont budge these flar ups that your right do look like theyve blistered ! so hopefulyl i wont have to use the steriod cream for long !

feeling like im hvaing a bit of a week of it :wall: his reflux is bad too and im sure its the weather change :shakehead:
i take it i cant take him swimming tomorrow ? first time hubby woulda been able to come as his off on a days hol :cry:
Chlorine can aggravate it but it would be a shame not to go as your hubby is off.

Also another cream that they prescribed for her is eumovate which really gets things cleared up.
its dried up this morning , its not 'wet' looking , have applied another dose , i might cover it in vasaline and still go swimming ,he wears 2 long sleeved long legged swim suits anyway and its a baby pool so chlorine isnt very strong

ill see how it looks in an hour
well, Livvy had this problem on her shoulder (a really weird place to have it). it started as just some dry raised skin, but it got redder and redder. I asked various HVs about it on numerous occasions, to be told it was just dry skin, every single time!

Eventually it got so bad it was weeping yellow goo onto her clothes, it was open and raw.. I had been treating it with E45 and aqeaous cream beforehand, as recommended my HVs (I also trusted them! :roll: )

Onyhoo, we took her to the doctors and she said it was a bad case of eczema, it was starting to appear on her elbows and backs of knees as well... we kinda suspected this all along, but the HVs assured us she was fine.

So, the doc gave us Fucibet (I assume this is similar to your cream)... its a steroid cream and it totally cleared it within about 4 days! It was amazing!! She also gave us Oilatum for her bath, and Oilatum cream for her creases after bathing!!

She still has the odd flare up now and again, but I just tend to use the fucibet if it gets really bad, often about once every fortnight or something, because I know steroid creams can thin the skin.

Sorry for rambling... this is just my experience!! :)

can u get oilatum on prescription then ?

im not taking him swimming , he felt hot so i just took his temp at its 37.7 presuming this is from yesterdays jabs :cry:
Hi Gem!

Mhairi gets Oilatum on repeat prescription. It's the only thing I can use in her bath that doesn't dry her skin out!

You could maybe even try phoning the doc and asking for it, instead of having to make an appointment and going in.

thats good ! not that im a skin flint but i just saw its like £9 ! his worth it of cause :oops: but u now what i mean :oops:
Poor Tia has this on her feet and hands... its so bad that the skin just peels off and bleeds...:( We've been to the doctor loads of times and for a long time they just kept saying...its a athletes foot...but its not and we have tried lotions and potions of all kind... Now they have said its severe eczema with irritative dermatitis...and we have a whole host of new, very expensive, supposedly "medically" appropriate creams.. the steroid creams are the only ones to clear it up but it always returns the minute I stop using it... and it always comes back worse :( Plus that stuff is really really strong.

Tia doesn't have baths at all... she has showers (I also shower with lil miss cos her skin is so dry too so it is possible to shower little ones and the earlier you start the better really)...bathing is possibly the worst thing you can do for dry skin... Tia's eczema is always aggravated by bathing

After the shower... I apply sweet almond oil and really rub it in... I also use aloe vera gel (it calms down the redness) and lanolin (as it locks in moisture without keeping the area wet....it also works for sore cracked nipples thats how I happened on to it) ....You can't get rid of it...but I found that these treatments have really helped Tia...thing is she won't complain till it starts bleeding and becomes infected so I really have to keep on top of it... I've lost all faith in the "medical" creams now...and I am trying the natural route... :D

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