Excellent night!


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2005
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Well tonight me and Brian went out for dinner with my sister and her boyfriend for a yummy indian meal.

After the meal they left to get the train as they live out of the city so me and Brian went along to the casino since Arianna is staying with her Nana & Papa....

well, I played my usual £20 (big spender I know)

BUT I WON £240!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Yay!!! Go me!!
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: Well done! Bet your glad you were well enough to go out now then huh???????
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: Glad you were feeling better enough to go do it.. you deserve couple time.. :hug:
I still feel like crap - I felt so bad as I practaically begged Brian to go home rather than the casino as it was cold, wet, and my feet were sore ( :roll: )

but made up for it in the end.

I had a lush meal - I had a spiced duck for starter and then a mixed massla dish - didnt go too spicy what with having the cold I thought I would look horrid with my nose dripping from eatting too spicy!
Wow!! That's excellent! I'd love to go to a casino :D Just for the crack x
Ooooh sounds like fun, I haven't been to the casino in ages!! Glad you had a good night :hug:
wow lucky you winning the money :dance:
ive nvever won more then £10
sound like you've had a good night :D
i know how it feels to have Couple time as my James works away too, so the time we have together is very precious.

sarah :wave: :wave:

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