What an excellent day!!


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2005
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I'm pooped, but it has been good!!

It is gorgeous here, so I got up early and walked into town (which is about 3miles - need to loose weight from my ass!! :lol:) and to the doctors for Arianna's 2yr assesment, which she passed with flying colours (only problem is my stupid HV never wrote her weight and height my red book, so waiting for her to call back :roll: ), then we walked into the city bought some stuff in town, walked up to the maternity hospital and saw baby Megan Grace (MakkaP's newborn) who is just adorable and so so small, even tho she is just 1lb lighter than Arianna was.... oooh the broodyness. Got a cuddle from her :D

We are just home, perfect timing for my Sainsburys delivery, so have unpacked it, tidied up and now me and Arianna are cuddled up on the couch watching "My Friends Tigger & Pooh".

We are both looking a bit sun-kissed too!!

Was so nice to have a busy day, but just able to take our time at it, if that makes sence.

Have you all had sunshine today and if so what have you got up to in it?

EDIT: HV called back, Arianna is now 85cm tall and 29lbs 14oz :dance:
Its been warm and humid and cloudy here,
Im full of a cold tho and so have been sat on the settee feeling sory for myself, when i ask my OH to put the washing out it took him about an hour,

Sounds like you had a lovely day.
We went for a walk to the village the long way round to get some cat biscuits. Came home with some BBQ food so i'll surprise OH by putting that on later. Angel had a long scream so left her to that as i couldn't calm her while i did some washing. Fell asleep on the settee, and was woken my big sis who had been knocking on my door for ages! I jumped out my skin when she was stood in the living room.
Sounds like you've had a lovely day.
Arianna's growing up fast eh? Can't stop them :(

It's only 11:45am here, so nearly lunchtime!
It's been lovely here as well. Went to asda and did my shopping as well as stocking up on bits & bobs in case I pop sooner rather than later.

Then I had a bit of a mooch round town & bought some BIG pants, vest tops for breastfeeding & some lanisoh. So I am all set now I think. Oh and I also got a couple of books from the market so I can lounge about in the sun just reading while I wait for Bambino to put in an appearance. I wanted to get everything all sorted so I only have to leave the house if I want to rather than because I need to. I pick up my birthing pool on Monday & am just waiting for the tens machine. I am SOOO ready and impatient. I BET she will late now!!!
I love sunny days, lovely walks in the sun and shopping :-) its enough to make you happy! hehe
sounds like you had a nice day and great that Ariannas check went so well :-)

PS i saw my friends newborn the other day and my uterus was hurting! lol
oh the broodiness..glad Angelas little one is doing really well can't wait to see the pics :-)
SarahH said:
I, then we walked into the city bought some stuff in town, walked up to the maternity hospital and saw baby Megan Grace (MakkaP's newborn) who is just adorable and so so small, even tho she is just 1lb lighter than Arianna was.... oooh the broodyness. Got a cuddle from her :D

EDIT: HV called back, Arianna is now 85cm tall and 29lbs 14oz :dance:
awwww, that was so nice of you to do that.

It was sunny here this afternoon and we sat outside with our neighbour and played in the sunshine.
We went to Skegness :cheer: sorry not been for years I know its sad :oops:

Beautiful sun very very hot, kids went on the pleasure beach and spent hours in the sea.

I had a horrid black out and collapsed and had to be rescued by my friend (luckily she is a nurse) No panic though, its a regular occurance ATM but was quite extreame to say the least, didnt spoil the day though!

Ooh I ate lots of rubbish too!!

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