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ex boyfriend..


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2007
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My ex, the father of my baby is really upsetting me :(

he's 18 and we were together for 7 months until i finished with him because he wouldn't trust me (according to him me and his mate were having it off for months..first I heard of it!)

I have told him that i'm pregnant and I can understand he's worried and scared just like me but he's pushing me towards abortion and at the same time trying to get me to get back with him,

what the :wall: do I do?
dont let him push you to do anything, this is your baby honey and if he doesnt wanna be part of it then it is definetly his loss. Im sorry to hear he's upsetting you. what did he say about the baby? does he even believe its his? :hug:
All he says is he will support me either way, but when he says that theres always a 'but..' and starts going on about how hes not ready (Like I am?!) and wants me to get rid of it.

He has asked if I had a one night stand and stuff and I just told him to stop insulting me I do not sleep around i'm only 16!

He's giving me so many mixed signals though. Last night I was getting all the I love you so much and i'm so scared of loosing you, this morning its why the **** are you taking this all out on me it's not my fault.

Which i'm not doing i've already told him I blame myself :?

Men grrr!!!!! :x :x :x :x :x
if he wants to b a little boy and run away then let him, hes no use to u or ur baby!!
there are girls on here who are single handedly bringin up babies and theyre fab mummys, if a bloke doesnt want to b there then why have him hangin round like a bad smell?!

give him a couple of months to get used to YOUR decision - then if he doesnt wana be a family then u take him to the cleaners money wise!!!!
yeah i def agree with mummykay hun

dont let HIM tell you what to do, its your body and your baby - do what feels right for YOU and no-one else :hug:

I've shown him the scan pic today and asked him Two times did it even make him feel anything.. he avoided the q first time and didn't text me back the second time.

Who cares I don't need him anyway :D
Today had been great,

I finally realised my ex is a complete and utter... word I wont menchon :wink: and he will have nothing to do with this kid.. well he doesnt want it anyway so he can suit himself!.

A friend of mine (Guy :D ) Who knows all about my pregnancy and my situation asked me out today and told me whatever I do he will stand by me and look after me, even financially.

He's 19, a doorman and a biker and i've liked him for ages,

things are starting to look up for me !!!
Aww, thats fantastic, nice to hear things are looking up for you! Good luck with this new guy and your pregnancy.

No need for guys like your ex in your life. :)
How could I be so bloody stupid!!!

Spoke to my ex for the first time in weeks the other day.. i was being really nice and then he just went mad saying how this is all my fault and how any guy would be naive to even look at me etc.

I then told him how I had been worried about the baby because it didn't move for a while and he just said why should he even care 'it's not like it's gonna be born', I told him I was not having a abortion and he still said no he felt nothing for it and I must not care about my baby either... thats what really hurt.. I care about my baby more than anything in the world!

Then the same day I got so angry and me and my new boyfriend split up.

Life really really sucks
Little boys - who needs them, certainly not you when you have a baby in the way. He dont sound worth it so be strong and tell him to fuck off.
me and my ex have been split for 6 months, but one silly mistake a few weeks ago and now im 7 weeks pregnant.
i told my ex and he has tried everything he can think of to try and get me to have an abortion. i have heard every excuse i think from you will resent the baby because it will remind u of me, any chld brought up by a single parent is most likely o be a drug addict or a criminal, you will never meet another man now, your friends will desert you, you are being selfish wanting to bring a child into the world when the father isnt gonna be there and quite a few others really.
i wasnt sure at first whether i was going to keep the baby but after a couple of weeks tinking about it iv decided i am going to keep the baby.
after 2 and a half years of bein with someone, i dint expect him to be like this even though i know we arent together.
is anyone else in this situation who is further on in the pregnancy? if so how are you finding it?
You need to tell him one simple fact- you cannot have an abortion, you are too far gone for it, the baby will be born whether he likes it or not (I am assuming your ticker is correct, you haven't said how far along you are)

Unless there is a very specific reason, no doctor in the UK can give you an abortion after 24 weeks, it is the law, and can only be 'broken' if there is a danger to your life, or if it is thought that the baby will be born with a condition that would make its quality of life extremely poor. It rarely happens. He needs to get used to this fact, and either take responsiblility for his actions (ie, having sex with you) or clear off and stop stressing you out. Either way he is obliged to pay you child support for the baby. Have you talked to your parents about they way he is treating you? Perhaps they could help by talking to him, or his parents for you?

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