
Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2008
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just went to the toilet and this big blob came out of me! (TMI I KNOW)
my god i'v never seen anything like it in my life!! :shock: whats the diffrence between a mucus plug and a show??? it was like a massive blob of creme coloured jelly :puke: :puke: the joys of pregnancy!

Oooh Julie, sounds very, very promising...keep us updated :hug: :D
Definately sounds like things are moving along, make sure you fill us in on all the details! :hug:
i thought a show was usually bloody??

i dont know though because i didnt loose mine last time until i was in labour and didnt really notice it lol
hiya it sounds good does that you'll just have to watch out for contractions, sometimes it can be a browny colour,

not sure how far you are but walk around the living room that will bring them on keep active.

fingers crossed :D

bobs xxxx
im getting really strong tightenings and alot of backache aswell. nothing unbearably painfull though! god i just know i'm going to go into labour when i haven't had any sleep! :roll: typical!!!
so is a show and a plug the same thing then? it was sort of a creamy yellowy cloudy colour if you will and some was more clear. wasn't expecting it to be so jelly-like though! just more like lots of that clear snotty dc!
OMG!! :cheer: Come on little fella! Come out and meet all us lovely ladies!!

:cheer: :cheer:

Julie, tonight could be the night my lovely!! :dance: :hug: xxx
Yep - plug / show - both mean the same thing. Good sign that labor is underway for you. My son (now almost 6 yrs) was born about 4 hours after my show :D Good luck!
:cheer: :dance: IM EXCITED!
i want some unbearable pain and then i'll know for sure!

don't think i can actually believe things are moving along :lol: about time though!!!!
i just know i won't be able to get any sleep tonight as much as i need to!
Hopefully this is it for you Julie definitely sounds like your show/plug :cheer:
xJuliex said:
i want some unbearable pain
We'll see how true that statement is soon! :rotfl:

OMG Julie! Could you maybe ask your text buddy to set up a thread for you so we can all get updates if you have to suddenly leave us to give birth?! :lol: :cheer:

How exciting!!!!! xx
If i was you i'd be trying to get that head down and get some sleep because it sounds like bubs is on their way
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Hopefully you wont be waiting to long to meet LO.
I would want to sleep too....but think I would be too excitied :cheer:

Good luck Julie! :cheer:
:lol: don't worry i will be sure to let you all know when i'm in propper labour! i'm going to try have some sleep now, even if i don't drop off at least i'll get some rest!!

night night everyone!!!

Night Night and i'll be loking on here tomorrow to see if anything has started for you :hug: :hug: :hug:
Night Julie! :hug:

Hope you manage to get lots of rest before your little fella starts to make his way down!

how exciting :cheer: hope u have a good night sleep and once ur up and fresh labor starts :rotfl: this is how i wish my labour start just after having my morning cup of tea :pray:
Ohhh...I missed this...sounds like a good sign Julie. I don't think it will be long until you have your Lo now!! Woooooo!

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