every thing happens for a reason.. smile


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2005
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[b]i believbe that god is just picking his lil angels when he takes a baby[/b]
i no it feels unfair and why our babies
it is because thier special
we are here to learn from every thing
and maybe the mother is to learn something from it? i learnt to not take things for granted.
but keep trying then god will c u r desperate
and then u will have a beautifull baby
its all worth the heart ache.

iv misscarried 3 times and it now seems a million miles away.

im now 6weeks but i hope i have no bad news to tell you soon.

good luck every one
:D :D
Hi Dionne,
Just read your post and it was beautiful. Im so pleased you are expecting again and I really feel for you having three miscarriages. How did you have the strength to carry on trying? I had a miscarriage in April and my baby would have been due today and I cant imagine having another miscarriage. I feel confused as people say it wasnt meant to be and things are fated! It has made me doubt my relationship and wonder why me! i have been with my man for 12 years and it was a step forward for us as we realised that a little person was missing from our lives. We almost split up before I got pregnant and now my partner is out of work and I love him to bits but worry about our future. I just wish I could hold our baby and I could have if only it hadnt died inside me. I had a dream I gave birth last night. I have been taking my folic acid but havent conceived so now im not bothering. Maybe my body is still not ready for motherhood. Why is life so cruel!!!
Nic xx
to be honest mate i was only young 17 so i didnt let it get to me as much as i have plenty off yrs left i never wanted children young but after 3misscarriages it made me want one because i fort i couldnt have one. how far gone were you? i feel for u but dont give up, just relax and what happends happends, i couldnt imagin how u feel? i have my lil girl now and i thank god every day how lucky i am, i am now 8wks preg but always expect the worse but i havbe a child im just cratefull off that if this preg goes ok im just very lucky :D

keep intouch
cheer up,
I was seven weeks so not far gone. Good luck wiv your pregnancy and your daughters name is cool, I used to work for Dior!
Nic xx
Hi girls,
l understand how you both feel, and well done Dionne for staying positive! Congratulations too!! l had a miscarriage last December (l was about 8-10 weeks gone) it was the most terrifying and upsetting thing l had ever gone through. Went to bed and the next thing l knew l was in complete agony and l was bleeding a lot. lt was not until l had the scan that it hit me bad, when l was told that their was a baby their but now its gone. l cried for hours and life for me didn't seem important. My OH was very supportive and sympathetic, even though he was hurting too. At the time nothing mattered. Nothing would have made me happy than to bring our baby back. Baby would have been about 4 months now.

Things have looked up since then though, l am now almost 23 weeks pregnant - still not a day goes by that l don't worry. Their is hope, you have to stay positive and take each day as it comes. xx :) keep smiling
lovely message and well done dionne for staying so positive, i lost two babies before falling pregnant first time and i am now 12+6 with my third baby due in May.

No one can take away the pain of losing a child and sincerley hope nothing goes wrong with this pregnancy dionne.

You are right girls. Being positive is so important and I wish you all the best of luck with your babies. Hopefully I will have some good news soon.
Nic xxx

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