Ever questioned whether TTC with OH is such a good idea?


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2011
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I love my DH dearly. And really his is very clever. And he really is very loving and supportive ......... BUT .........

sometimes I think OMG you big idiot. Today he manage to put on a pair of grundys which were so worn the crotch was virtually missing :shock:! Probably very good for sperm production because his balls were permanantly air-cooled. Worse thing was he didn't notice right away, took five to figure it out :dohh:

And yes frequently.............:lol:
lol, yes i have actually but unfortunately not on points that are quite so amusing :)

My hubby is one of those people that says all the right things but very rarely actually follows through :roll:

So i do wonder sometimes if he ever be capable of putting baby before himself.

He says he wants a baby, he says he'll be ok changing nappies, he says he agrees with my outlook of parenting... but does he really? :eh:

I've become a lot more relaxed about it since we needed IVF because he's had to show his dedication a bit more, but i guess only time will tell ;)
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Don't worry Louise I'm sure a baby on the way will be a huge motivating factor. My DH is so laid back he us virtually asleep sometimes. A baby wi ll give him a huge kick up the butt!

It's when he sits there and does thunderous farts and burps I sometimes wonder.........
Hell yeah! As I was sat here reading this thread .. I look up at OH .. Only to see him searching for some treasure up his nostrils.

Yes, but then he'll have a LO to share his pokemon passion :D
Did someone say Pokemon! :shock:

Say to him "Isn't Jigglypuff hilarious" - omg thinking of him cracks me up lol

He better agree :oooo:
Did someone say Pokemon! :shock:

Say to him "Isn't Jigglypuff hilarious" - omg thinking of him cracks me up lol

He better agree :oooo:

:rofl: he took four days off work to have two long weekends when Black & White came out....

Even worse, my boss told me his wife had done the same... and they have two teenagers :shock:
lol, i'm the same. Gimme a good game and nothing else exists :)
Apparently I completed Soul Silver, I have no idea, I just kept winning.....

Beating him at Gran Tourismo first time he played it on New Years Eve kinda dented his esteem... I've left him to it since :blush:
I just know OH is going to get me a very windy baby..... But hey, at least I'm prepared!! lol
Squueeeeeeaaallll I love Pokemon too. Got Black but haven't had time to finish it :(
I worry about this in a serious way. Not that he isnt the most wonderful guy in the world (most of the time!) and I know he would be a brilliant Dad, way better than me at parenting, but....... Genetically I worry. He is asthmatic. Both his parents have heart conditions, and his Dad suffers from Manic Depression, which is apperently heriditary. I had an ex boyfriend who killed himself from manic depression (not whilst going out with me I would like to add!) and his grandfather had it and both he and his sister inherited it. It scares me that my children might get all these genetic weaknesses. And though my own family is pretty healthy and all live into their 90's, there is a disposition towards alcoholism on both my side and his. Would our child be totally fu@cked?
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No more than every other human being out there we all have some form of weakness it's called the human condition hun as long as you love, support and guide it gently through growing up your child will be ok xx
lol i love all the above comments because i know exactly what you mean, my OH is exactly the same, sometimes i look at him and think i did the right thing with him and then other times when i walk in from work and he's sat on the sofa with the remnants of a take-away around him (and he didn't get me one) and says i'm hungry make me something to eat- i think what did i get myself into.

his excuse is when i ask him to cook for me- I've been cooking all day so i can't make you your tea, so when he wants a cuppa i tell him i'm not making him one cuz i pour pints all day!!! lol

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