Evening spotting


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2008
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Hi everyone,

I've had 3 miscarriages, and am now pregnant for the 5th time (I have a 3 year old son). Last week I had some minor spotting so I took myself off to the gp. She sent me home because I was only 5 weeks, and told me to come back next week so she can book me in for an early scan at the EPU. My dr's appointment is tomorrow. The last week has been the longest of my life and during the week I had some more spotting (still very slight) but it was every evening for 4 nights in a row. By the morning it had completely stopped again. I also had some cramping with it for a couple of nights, but not very painful. I feel fine, and am still having all the symptoms including VERY sore boobies and nausea, but am so worried about what might/might not be seen on the scan. Does anyone have any ideas on why the bleeding only occurred during the evening? This is all so different to my miscarriages, but I'm worried it might be the beginning of the end :(
Hiya Jenjen,

I haven't got any advice to give really - if it's different to your previous miscarriages, and it's only in the evening (and not constant heavy bleeding) then try not to lose hope as it could just be an implantation thing. I know when I m/c the bleeding started light but got heavier with lots of clots, and it didn't stop for about a week; also I began to lose what few symptoms I had about 2 days before.

Just wanted to wish you all the very best. Being pregnant after miscarrying is a really stressful and worrying experience, particularly at the beginning (it was bad enough after one m/c) but it does get easier as you reach certain milestones (12 weeks, 20 week scan etc etc). I really hope this one works out for you.

All the best :hug:
Thank you Daisy Rose, I actually had a scan yesterday and everything seems fine, so I'm really happy! Bubs measured 2 days ahead of my predicted dates and had a healthy little heartbeat. So I'm beginning to enjoy this pregnancy now :D
Hi Jenjen,

That's really fantastic news :cheer: You must feel so relieved. Now you can look ahead and enjoy your pregnancy.

All the very best :hug:

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