Five days of spotting...


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2008
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n August I had a m.c. At 10 weeks I had some spotting which gradually worsened. I went to A&E, and an ultrasound revealed that the sac was rough and irregular, and the fetus was approximately 5 wks with no heartbeat. They would not confirm a m.c at this point, although this was the outcome a few days later.

Since the m.c I have had two normal periods in the months of September and October, and a light period in November. When my period did not start in the third week of Dec I took a HPT, which lit up positive in about 30 seconds! (The "pregnant" line developed before the control line). I was a bit surprised by this as due to having house guests for most of November TTC (especially around the time I thought I was ovulating) was limited to say the least. I've not had chance to confirm the pregnancy with my GP due to the Christmas holidays. I'm thinking as my period in November was so light (not to mention a couple of days early) its possible that I may be 9 weeks and what I thought was a period was implementation bleeding, or its possible I may only be 5 weeks along.

Ok all the background and the waffling is leading to this. I have had brown to reddish brown spotting for five days.I have a nagging ache on my left hand side, which is similar to what I experienced with the m.c, however as the pain is not getting worse, and the spotting has not turned to bleeding I am trying to remain calm. Quite frankly I am too scared to go to A&E and get a sonogram. If they don't find a heartbeat I will freak out - although it may simply be that I *am* five weeks after all.

I don't know what to do for the best. Last time I went to the A&E they sent me home and said there was nothing that could be done other than wait. I requested at the time that they did a blood test for HCG levels but the doctor said he was unwilling to do this test as it would be "inconclusive". I feel like I am sitting in limbo right now, I'm doing my best to remain calm, but your thoughts and experiences would be a great help to me

I know one way to check is to see what state your cervix is in (i.e. open or closed). Although if it's only spotting then it's likely to be closed.

I know when you have a threatened m/c when the cervix opens it turns to an 'inevitable' m/c...

I don't think there's a whole lot you can do apart from look after yourself, keep a note of what's happening for when you do see the doctors and try not to worry.

Brown blood is good as it's old. Spotting is good too! I know it's not 'normal' but a lot of women experience bleeding and spotting in early pregnancy so you could just be one of them.

Thinking of you, hope it all turns out for the best!

Oh and as for the hCG thing, I thought that, if measured over 24hrs, it can tell you an awful lot. I.e. if it's increased that's a 'good thing'. :{
Oh hun, I know how scary spotting can be in these early stages but as it's been going on for a few days and isn't worsening that's a good sign. As buddhabun says, many women experience spotting early on in their pregnancies and go on to have healthy children with no problems.
I'd get yourself seen by your gp or a referral to the early pregnancy unit just to get yourself checked out and put your mind at ease. They can take a 48hr hormone level blood test, which is what they did with me, to make sure your levels are rising.

I know it's hard not to worry but try and relax and do as little as possible.

Take care and I'll :pray: all goes well for you :hug:
Guys Thanks for your support.

I had a *really* bad experience last time I went to hospital. I was left in a bed for three hours, during which time I was not offered a pad.

The first scan was carried out by a very young doctor on the ward. She was unable to even find the sac and told me I was " very lucky" as eptopic pregnancy was rare. (Which was what the first suspicion was when I went to A&E) I promptly burst in to tears and she tried to correct herself saying she meant I was very *un*lucky but by this point I was terrified.

I was taken down to the ultrasound and left in a room with two new mothers and their newborns which didn't exactly help either.

When I requested that they did a blood test the doctor refused.

To every question I asked I got told the results were "inconclusive" even though I was absolutely certain about my dates - and should have been at 10 weeks, the scan showed only a 5 weeks sac which was all rough and distorted. I knew for certain at this point that the pregnancy had failed., but the doctors said that without a 7 day wait for another scan they were not willing confirm. I was *terrified* of having a natural miscarriage, and had I been told the pregnancy had failed I would definitely had a D&C there and then.

Having repeatedly asked what the chances were of having a natural miscarriage at home and being told that if the pregnancy had failed 5 weeks ago and nothing had moved that it was highly unlikely and I should in short, get lost, go home deal with it and let the doctor get on with some other far more important cases. Oh and did I mention the doctor didn't address any of this to me but rather to my OH. I was literally saying "Hello I'm down here can you talk to *me* about this please?"

I know that there is nothing anyone could have done to stop the pregnancy failing, but the way I was treated made an already scary experience so much worse. I am genuinely so scared of going back in case I see the same doctor again.

Also I don't know if this is something local to me, but I never had a blood pregnancy test at any stage. My GP and the hospital only requested urine samples. I don't even know if we have an early pregnancy unit or where I can find a medical professional that can offer me any reassurance.

I know I sound so angry, but the whole experience at the hospital was just so horrid.

EDIT: I just wanted to add, that I know that there are loads of Doctors and Nurses out there who do great work for very little thanks in often difficult circumstances. I honestly don't mean to discredit all their hard work, I am simply commenting on really one individual treating me very poorly - and leaving a obviously new doctor trying to deal with a situation they were clearly struggling with.
Oh hon what an awful experience. I had something similar with my first m/c and have no desire to go back. They were rude, insensitive, inefficient, did not tell us a thing about what was going on, left me lying there for hours on end, didn't even perform the right tests on the blood they took and never told us a thing. Plus the place was filthy.I think if people treat the same problems day in day out they become so complacent about it and don't realise that it's new, real and very scary to us actually suffering with it.

Still. It's important that you know what's going on. Can you request a different doctor, drive to a different hospital or something? I don't see why you should have to put up with that awful treatment again.

Thinking of you. TRY not to worry too much :(
The spotting has turned red.

I've looked online but the closest Early Pregnancy Unit is 40 miles away - and I don't drive.

ETA I called my GP surgery to ask for advice and quite a few questions got answered. My local hospital does have an EPU nurse/doctor BUT at the time I had my miscarriage in the summer she had chickenpox and was not able to see pregnant women. Hence any threatened miscarriages just got sent out to other wards. Explains why the young doctor I saw was uneasy with the situation. Also explains why I thought the local hospital didn't have an EPU.

I wish I could get a better handle on how far along I may be. My last proper period was late October, but I had 3 days of spotting in November that I thought was my period. Now I am not so sure at all. I know I am in a right tizz, but I am so flipping confused. Rambling helps.
could u do a clearblue digi conception indicator?

i took one at 4w6d and it came up 2-3, which would be right, and the next day at exactly 5weeks i went to EPU and my HCG was 961 which is right for 5 weeks- too much for any less than 5 weeks. 2 days later i did the other test and it only came up 1-2 :( i had another blood test that nite my HCG was down to 636 (drop in level confirmed i was miscarrying) but in my case the conception indicator was pretty accurate :)

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