even kerry Katona's gone into labour before me!

How many kids by how many fathers does she have now? Is she not about at the stage where babies just come out when she's doing the dishes, kind of like that scene in Monty Python's Meaning of Life? :rotfl:

I sooooooo cannot stand her!
this ones her fourth, she has...

2 girls by ex husband brian
Heidi by that Mark bloke
Max (the one shes having now) again by Mark

AND Marks got a girl Keeley by his ex so they look after her too, considering she's 26 ( i think) its too many babies too soon
Carmella in Neighbours popped before me too - I was pregnant a good 12 weeks before her!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr :evil:

She was on the meds too!
Dont get me started on neighbours!!!!
Firstly!!! No-one in there right mind would want their sister, brother in law, boyfriend and babies father watching them give birth, along with visits from grandma, and the whole or ramsey street!!!!

Secondly, that womens been pregnant less then 20 weeks!! Typical soaps.

Thirdly!! How un clued up on babies did she seem? For someone who was meant to have been researching it etc etc she knew nothing

HMPH 35 weeks my ass
abcd1234 said:
Dont get me started on neighbours!!!!
Firstly!!! No-one in there right mind would want their sister, brother in law, boyfriend and babies father watching them give birth, along with visits from grandma, and the whole or ramsey street!!!!

Secondly, that womens been pregnant less then 20 weeks!! Typical soaps.

Thirdly!! How un clued up on babies did she seem? For someone who was meant to have been researching it etc etc she knew nothing

HMPH 35 weeks my ass

lol :rotfl: :rotfl: and did you notice she was giving birth in the generic room they use for treating all neighbour's illnesses?
Who in their right mind would get their legs akimbo when there is a MASSIVE window at the end of the bed for everyone to look through!
Good job she had a c-section in the end, saved her dignity (although they performed that in the same room too by the looks!)
Oh yes, and there only one doctor too, before it was carl, he did EVERYTHING, births strokes you name it he did it, now theres another person who treats everyone!!!
abcd1234 said:
Oh yes, and there only one doctor too, before it was carl, he did EVERYTHING, births strokes you name it he did it, now theres another person who treats everyone!!!

I am surprised Karl wasn't there actually! I just love Neighbours - it is soo silly it drives me insane, but I....just....can't...seem....to....stop....watching!
oh im so annoyed at the mo reaing all your comments on kerry katona.....
so what she went early could it just be because she is stressed im not saying smokeing and drinkin g is goo din pregnancy but give this girl a break shes a celeb which means busy busy busy.. photographers following her all the time just think what would u b like??
god why are women so bithchy and jelous these days. and as for her having 4 kids by 2 different men whats so wrong with that some owmen have different fathers for all their kids do they gel slagged off no. because they are not celebs right??
have you people got anything better to do than critacise inocent people..
grr im so annoyed
caz86 said:
oh im so annoyed at the mo reaing all your comments on kerry katona.....
so what she went early could it just be because she is stressed im not saying smokeing and drinkin g is goo din pregnancy but give this girl a break shes a celeb which means busy busy busy.. photographers following her all the time just think what would u b like??
god why are women so bithchy and jelous these days. and as for her having 4 kids by 2 different men whats so wrong with that some owmen have different fathers for all their kids do they gel slagged off no. because they are not celebs right??
have you people got anything better to do than critacise inocent people..
grr im so annoyed

:roll: Kerry Katona winds me up!! The way she carries on while she's pregnant with apparent disregard for her baby's health makes ME really annoyed :x
And honestly, im not jelous :roll: :rotfl:
Sorry caz86, I stand by what I said, my only comment was regards to her smoking. I couldn't care less how many kids she has and by how many different men. I do however think smoking when pregnant is unacceptable, obviously that's only IMHO. Her last daughter was early so she was already at a higher risk of having another premature baby and yet she continued to smoke throughout. I am not shocked her baby has arrived early. Stress may have contributed, but so did smoking. We all have busy lives, she's no difference to anyone else. You maybe annoyed but that's exactly what I felt every time I saw her puff on a fag or write in her column (read by thousands of impressionable young women) how a few a day wasn't going to do her baby any harm :x
I just hope her baby is healthy.
It's not so much of a case that photographers follow her all the time... she seems to be in every publication under the sun being interviewed, dressed up or with her own column. I don't believe for one moment that she's forced into that. I don't think there's one aspect of her lifestyle that anyone would WANT to be jealous of.

It's her lifestyle, her choice, but I hope her children don't have to suffer for it in future.
daftscotslass said:
It's not so much of a case that photographers follow her all the time... .


There are much more famous / news worthy celebs who manage to keep out of the press and more importantly keep their kids out of the press. I dont for one minute see her as a victim. She loves it. the heatworld website were also reporting that she had agree'd to let MTV film her labour. Pure class. Then she'll do a spread in 'OK!' about it...... :roll:
I really don't think she's in any position to complain about the stress. She has brought the stress onto herself.
I don't see how anyone can invite cameras into their home and not expect to have their personal life scrutinised. She chooses to live in the public eye.

I cannot stand her husband either, he seems really greedy and totally in it for the money. I don't think his influence is doing her any favours.

She needs to step out of the lime light and get her personal life under control. She uses her kids to make money IMO which is wrong.

Brian is well rid!
hey girls! Im butting in to third tri as i miss it so much! :cry:

Me and my hubby watched it the other night and he was disgusted by her! she was absolutely foul, her manners, belching every 5 mins and her general demenar was horrendous!

Ive told him if i get that bad, hes too slap me!
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

wasn't she voted mum of the year not too long ago..... :doh:

I reckon she'll be pregnant again by the end of the year... :roll:
She was mum of the year around the time she was in the jungle with Katie Price. And in all fairness to her, when she was given that she did seem to be doing things right for her kids.

And its not jsut celebs we slate for smoking and drinking, ALL pregnant women get the same, i was embarrassed buying a bottle of wine in tesco in case people thought i was going to drink it!!!

I think its obvious she cant cope with the amount of kids shes got at young ages (thats why im intereste in the amount) and try and be a celeb, PLUS what exactly is she famous for atm? She needs the OK spreads to pay for hubbies new cars ( i seriously dont like him) Having her life watched is her only source of income. Yes its stressful, but if you cared about your kids and your own health you'd take yourself away from it
i have been watching the whole series (my guilty pleasure at this time) and whilst i am most certainly not her number 1 fan, (she does make me cringe a lot), to be fair to her i have seen her drink 3 -4 glasses of alcohol (i am not whiter then white and did drink 4 drinks in the 3rd tri of my pregnancy), and she did have a drugs test which showed she was clean of cocaine. disagree with her smoking though
Misslarue said:
Sorry caz86, I stand by what I said, my only comment was regards to her smoking. I couldn't care less how many kids she has and by how many different men. I do however think smoking when pregnant is unacceptable, obviously that's only IMHO. Her last daughter was early so she was already at a higher risk of having another premature baby and yet she continued to smoke throughout. I am not shocked her baby has arrived early. Stress may have contributed, but so did smoking. We all have busy lives, she's no difference to anyone else. You maybe annoyed but that's exactly what I felt every time I saw her puff on a fag or write in her column (read by thousands of impressionable young women) how a few a day wasn't going to do her baby any harm :x
I just hope her baby is healthy.

:clap: :clap: :clap:
You make a lot of sense. I couldn't have said it better myself.
caz86 said:
oh im so annoyed at the mo reaing all your comments on kerry katona.....
so what she went early could it just be because she is stressed im not saying smokeing and drinkin g is goo din pregnancy but give this girl a break shes a celeb which means busy busy busy.. photographers following her all the time just think what would u b like??
god why are women so bithchy and jelous these days. and as for her having 4 kids by 2 different men whats so wrong with that some owmen have different fathers for all their kids do they gel slagged off no. because they are not celebs right??
have you people got anything better to do than critacise inocent people..
grr im so annoyed

My stepdad's stepdaughters (hmm if that makes sense :roll: ) know her really well and see her out in Warrington all the time taking drugs and smoking, so sorry, but I stand by my comments.

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