erm.... bleeding when going to toilet....


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2010
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Just wonder if this is "normal".. I went to toilet and am a bit constipated but not too bad, and it was lots of blood coming out aswell.. Was shocked to see so much blood, anything to worry about?

I'd give your midwife a call Hun xx
ok think i call the midwife very often haha.. feel a bit silly.. probably nothing to worry about+'x
could you have haemorrhoids?? sorry to ask lol xx
I'd call your midwife, likelihood is you've got piles especially if you've been a bit constipated - always worth checking these things though!

And never worry about calling your midwife too much - that's what they're there for and they seriously don't mind mums checking concerns with them; they'd rather you did that than leave something that may turn out to be more serious!

I've had this for months hun... Never brought it up with midwife or doctor and it's got really really painful now... So I'm seeing my GP bout it on wednesday xx
Popping in from tri-2, it sounds very much like piles hunny but id get checked out by the midwife/docs.
I have this too and its even worse now im on iron tablets so im quite sure its piles, ive booked a doc appointment for next week as its driving me around the bend x x

I've had this for months hun... Never brought it up with midwife or doctor and it's got really really painful now... So I'm seeing my GP bout it on wednesday xx

I should have mentioned I do have piles.... :( x
yes think its piles, im taking iron aswell as im lacking lots of iron.. could be reason xx
Deffo piles..... increase your water intake to about 2 litres per day and see your GP to get some cream or something. I presume you do mean the blood is coming from back passage.....

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