Ergh, emotions in general....


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2013
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I posted a couple of weeks ago when I had Mc, think I was a little out of it mind wise, I never explained what happened. Everyone usually says a mc is natural there's nothing you could have done, for me it's different. I had the coil fitted combined with the pill on the 22nd of November turned out I was actually pregnant when I had it fitted which is why the baby didn't have a heart beat when I went for my scan. I had my coil out a week before I found out I was pregnant which is why they sent me for a scan to date it.
I still can't get over feeling this is all my fault they asked me before I had the coil fitted and I said no, I said no and that's what lead to this?
Some days I'm fine, others I can't help but get down I'm a positive think but tonight everything's just getting on top of me!
Missbatesy I can imagine the torment you are going through. But you can never know for sure that the baby would have made it, with or without the coil and pill. If you had known you were pregnant then your actions would have been different but you didn't know.

I've gone through a lot of what ifs, was it this and as it that and I might never know. I was looking for blame, to blame myself, other people, events but I've come to the conclusion that blame is destructive, cause is more helpful for me. So if I find a cause or a reason then it's an explanation and helps with the why, but I can't blame because it would eat me from inside.

Is it worth speaking with a counsellor about things? Maybe there is a SANDS group local to you? I'm sure it'll be hard to move on from that sense of responsibility. x

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