
New Member
Aug 23, 2015
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I'm booked in for an EPU appointment tomorrow, I was just wondering what happens when you go to one. I was also wondering if I should be worried, as two days ago I saw some blood on my tissue when I wiped, but within 5 minutes it was next to nothing, then after that nothing. It's been on and off for a couple of days and today I saw the tiniest clot. I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this and should I be prepared for the worst. I haven't experienced any pain or cramping but it still worries me as this is my first time pregnant.
How far along are you? Bleeding is quite normal...especially around the time of your period so 4/8/12 weeks or after sex x
Hi , I had some bleeding from 5 weeks would be anything from brown , to bright red I passed a clot aswell, still getting some brown discharge now, I had scan at 7 weeks at epu thinking I'd lost it and baby was still there blood wasn't coming from baby , so try to stay positive it can be normal x
I think all epu's are different. Mine is very much like an a&e department. You go in, fill in a form, have an initial assessment to decide what treatment/advice you should be given, and if you need a scan/bloods taken/anything else other than advice, you wait in the waiting room until someone is available to do that.

It's so unfair that bleeding is so common in early pregnancy!! Sometimes it's a sign of something bad, but I see more stories on here of ladies who have bled and been okay than ones who haven't been okay. There have been a few ladies recently who have had full on heavy bleeding with clots and everything, convinced they've lost their babies only to then find that their babies are actually perfectly fine!

I hope tomorrow goes well for you hun! Keep us updated ;)
Today is the day, I'm really nervous as for some reason today it's began to get s little heavier whether that's due to be being worried or not I don't know. I agree I've seen more posts on here with positive outcomes than negative. I'm really hoping for the best as its my first child. I think I'm possibly 4-5 weeks I'm not sure yet as I haven't had my midwife appointment yet. Did anyone experience period like symptoms not very painful ones just the odd twinge or heavy feeling here and there? I'm trying not too worry it's just really hard. :shock:

Thank you all for your opinions though I appreciate it so much.
Period type cramps are normal in early pregnancy.
I had a major bleed when I was pregnant with my 3rd son...woke up in a pool of blood-he's 8 now x

Try not to worry too much-let us know how u get on x
So I've been to the hospital, they did a scan and couldn't see anything and an internal one. They said everything looked okay they just couldn't see anything. They took a urine sample and said that they didn't have to wait 3 minutes it came back straight away as positive. So they have taken my blood today, and said to take it again Wednesday as if I'm pregnant the count will double if it halves it's more than likely a miscarriage. So won't find anything out till Wednesday afternoon. Keeping calm till then x
It could still be too early to see anything...sending positive vibes your way xx
At 4-5 weeks it's perfectly normal not to be able to see anything on a scan. I'm sorry you have no definite answers :/ it must be so frustrating! But at this stage bloods are the best thing they can do to see what's happening. Fx and keep us updated! :)
Will keep fingers crossed that all is okay after your blood test Weds. It's very early still so try to stay positive (easier said than done I know!) x
I was approx 5+4 before they could see anything on the scan and just over 6 weeks before a heartbeat was visible. I had bleeding too on and off, and such bad pains. Its so hard not to worry xxx

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